Tracking Nordic Clean Energy Scenarios

Scenario analysis and roadmaps | August 2024 - November 2024

Building on the work in the previous Nordic Clean Energy Scenarios from 2021, this project aimed to give a comprehensive overview of clean energy progress across Denmark, Finland, Iceland, Norway, and Sweden, consolidating energy data from all five countries. As the energy landscape has changed significantly since 2021, there was a need to revisit the insights from the first study.

Questions, such as where the Nordics are on their journey to climate neutrality, what efforts are needed, and how regional cooperation can make the transition easier, were considered. The main conclusion regarding the overall Nordic progress was that the rate at which CO2 is decreasing is promising. However, non-CO2 emissions are lagging, and emissions from LULUCF are moving in the wrong direction. Key takeaways included a promising development within the power and road transport sectors, while industry, power-to-x and carbon accounting require significant steps to reach the relevant national targets in time.

Ea was project lead, and co-authored the resulting report, Tracking Nordic Clean Energy Progress 2025.
The project ran from August to November 2024 and the report was launched at an online event in February 2025.