Heat Supply Model for Køge CHP plant

Denmark | September 2017 - January 2024

Køge CHP plant is a production unit south of Copenhagen. It produces process steam for the industrial facility Junckers and heat to the district heating network in nearby Køge and to Greater Copenhagen. The district heating production must therefore be included in the joint daily dispatch of district heating production in the large district heating network. The dispatch is undertaken by Varmelast.dk. The daily load dispatch must ensure a comprehensive economic optimisation of the district heating production. Here the income in the electricity market is taken into account. At the same time, it must be taken into consideration that Køge CHP plant is the only plant that can supply process steam to Junckers. This requires that at least one of the two CHP units is in operation.

Development of modelling tool and ongoing support

Ea Energy Analyses assisted VEKS, the owner of Køge CHP plant, with developing a tool for calculating and sending bids for production in the heat market to the heat dispatch unit, Varmelast.dk. In addition, Ea Energy Analyses provided support for operating the modelling tool.