
On going

The list of projects below illustrates the types of projects we are working on.

Load dispatch of district heating production in the Greater Copenhagen area

The district heating companies CTR, HOFOR and VEKS run a common load dispatch unit (, which takes care of the daily heat planning of operations and ensure that load..

On going

PtX Sector Coupling and LCA

Ea has been part of a collaborative research project along with departments from Aalborg University, Technical University of Denmark, University of Southern Denmark, and Alexandra Instituttet, Energy Modelling..

1 November 2025

BECCUS inter-task project

IEA Bioenergy is an organisation working to promote cooperation and information exchange on bioenergy research between member countries. The work is divided into different tasks, each covering a..

31 March 2025

Scenario tool

In the DK2020 project municipalities pledge to develop and implement climate action plans that meet the targets of the Paris Agreement. Scenarios for reducing greenhouse gases are an..

4 February 2025

GreenLab Skive

The main purpose of the GreenLab Skive P2X project is to demonstrate and develop an effective interaction between solar and wind energy, infrastructure, storage, and production of hydrogen..

31 December 2025

IEA Bioenergy Task 40

Christian Bang is currently the Country Representative for Denmark in the IEA Bioenergy Task 40 for the triennium period 2022-2024. The objective of IEA Bioenergy Task 40 is..

31 March 2025

Demonstration of pit thermal energy storage

In the FLEX_TES project a 70,000 m3 pit thermal energy storage (PTES) will be demonstrated in a new function as accumulation tank in a district heating system with..

30 June 2025

Completed projects

The list of projects below illustrates the types of projects we have been working on.


Analysis of co-pyrolysis on Samsø

Ea Energy Analyses has carried out an investigation of the life cycle perspective and the economy of a potential pyrolysis plant on Samsø. Samsø Municipality works to handle..

3 October 2024

Biomass usage and the potential for CCS

Danish green think tank CONCITO published the report Optimeret biomasseanvendelse til el- og fjernvarmeproduktion mod 2040” in 2021, which shows that biomass usage for energy purposes will be..

31 March 2024

Scenarios for the development of the energy system

As part of an analysis for Copenhagen Infrastructure Partners (CIP), Ea has done an estimate of the green transition of the European energy system by setting up various..

31 January 2024

Calculations for report on a sustainable energy system

The independent environmental organisation Green Transition Denmark has published a report (in Danish) on energy within the planetary boundaries titled “Ren energi – indenfor planetære grænser 2040”. The..

30 September 2024

Security of supply analysis

For Danish organisation Green Power Denmark, Ea carried out a model-based analysis of the future electricity system and the security of supply in Denmark. The analysis focused on..

18 February 2024

Analysis of the socio-economic effects of biochar

Ea Energy Analyses has looked at the potential costs and benefits of carbon storage with the use of biochar in agriculture. Biochar is produced by pyrolysis of biomass..

31 January 2024

Joint solutions for heating in Allerød Municipality

Allerød Municipality has a goal of having a fossil free heat sector by 2035. As there is a number of areas in the municipality that are not covered..

31 December 2024

Development of load dispatch tool for ARC

Ea has developed a load dispatch IT tool, named “Varmelastværktøj”, with integration of the existing models and systems at ARC (waste disposal company in Copenhagen), as well as..

24 February 2024

Heat production tool for Frederiksberg Forsyning

The heat production companies CTR, HOFOR, and VEKS are running the joint load dispatch unit, which takes care of the daily heat planning and ensures that the..

14 May 2024

INTEGRATE 2 – Analysis of pit thermal storage

The EUPD-project INTEGRATE 2 investigated solutions for long term thermal storage that can be integrated into all kinds of existing district heating and cooling systems. The storages were..

30 June 2024

Heat Supply Model for Køge CHP plant

Køge CHP plant is a production unit south of Copenhagen. It produces process steam for the industrial facility Junckers and heat to the district heating network in nearby..

31 January 2024


Framework for the development of the district heating supply

In an analysis for VEKS (the district heating company for the western suburban area of Copenhagen), Ea has mapped and looked at the framework for the development of..

12 November 2023

Scenarios for district heating in the capital area

In 2012, Copenhagen Municipality published the climate plan KBH 2025, which shows the direction for reductions of carbon emissions in Copenhagen, with a goal of having the city..

30 November 2023

Analysis of energy efficiency potential

For Danish Industry, member organisation for Danish companies, Ea has carried out an analysis of the interaction between energy efficiency and the supply system, including how actions within..

31 October 2023

The Danish wood pellet market in 2022

On behalf of the Danish Energy Agency, Ea Energy Analyses has mapped the total demand and supply of wood pellets to the Danish market in 2022. This is..

30 November 2023

Danida Balmorel course 2023

In August 2023, the Technical University of Denmark conducted a four-week course on the power system model Balmorel. They partnered with Ea Energy Analyses and Energy Modelling Lab..

8 September 2023

Model calculations for the electricity price outlook of Green Power Denmark

Green Power Denmark has published “Elpris Outlook 2023” (electricity price outlook), which was also issued in 2018, 2019, and 2021. The electricity outlook is a recurrent publication from..

31 July 2023

Update of the technology catalogue for biogas

The Danish Energy Agency publishes technology catalogues with key data for the technologies that have a central role in the green transition, including biogas production and upgrading. In..

28 April 2023

Electrification of the Agersø and Omø ferries

Ea has given recommendations for the charging infrastructure in relation to the electrification of the Agersø III and Omø ferries. The work has been carried out for Slagelse..

28 February 2023

Seminar on district heating for the Danish Utility Regulator

In March 2023 and 2024, Ea Energy Analyses taught a seminar for the Danish Utility Regulator, covering a number of themes on district heating. The purpose of the..

31 March 2023

Support for development of heat plan

At a national level, the political ambition is to phase out gas for indoor space heating by 2035. Today, individual gas boilers cover almost 80% of the heating..

28 February 2023

Climate plan for Holbæk Municipality

Along with 45 other municipalities, Holbæk Municipality has taken part in the second phase of the DK2020 project. With DK2020 the municipalities commit to develop and implement climate..

31 January 2023

Energy, heat, and climate planning in Hillerød

Meeting the national target of a 70% reduction in greenhouse gas emissions by 2030 requires new policies and a change in regulation at a national level, but it..

13 July 2023

Communal, local heating solutions for Rudersdal and Hørsholm

The municipalities of Hørsholm and Rudersdal have, along with the neighbouring municipalities of Fredensborg and Helsingør, participated in a project with a goal of a fossil free heating..

14 April 2023

Climate plan for Rudersdal

In the DK2020 project municipalities commit to develop and implement climate action plans that live up to the Paris agreement. Rudersdal Municipality has, along with 45 other municipalities,..

30 June 2023

Advice for Danish Combined Heat and Power Plants

Along with NIRAS, PlanEnergi, BDO and Advokatfirmaet Energi & Miljø, Ea Energy Analyses have been given the task of giving advice for the many CHP’s that are vulnerable..

31 December 2023


Socio-economic consequences of the green transition in Sønderborg

Sønderborg Municipality has a target of having a carbon neutral energy system by 2029. The municipality has already come far, as the emissions was reduced by 52% in..

30 September 2022

Accelerated phase-out of gas for space heating

Ea Energy Analyses has carried out an analysis of how an accelerated phase-out of gas for space heating can happen. A change to district heating or individual heat..

15 August 2022

Biogas analysis for Greenpeace

Greenpeace Nordic has a goal of getting a marked reduction in the number of cattle and pigs in the agricultural industry. Therefore, they asked Ea Energy Analyses to..

1 July 2022

Modelling of green hydrogen hub

The Green Hydrogen Hub Denmark (GHH), a consortium comprising the three partners Eurowind Energy A/S, Gas Storage Denmark, and Corre Energy, aims to build and operate the first..

15 August 2022

Contributions to the 70% reduction target

The Danish municipalities work on energy and climate agendas through the DK2020 project. The purpose of DK2020 is to provide a shared framework for all Danish municipalities, in..

15 August 2022

Danida Balmorel course 2022

In August – September 2022, the Technical University of Denmark conducted a four-week course on the power system model Balmorel. They partnered with Ea Energy Analyses and Energy Modelling Lab..

30 September 2022

The future energy production at Aarhus ReWater

Historically, the wastewater treatment in Aarhus has taken place on a number of smaller plants, but to optimise the wastewater structure in the Aarhus area, it has been..

29 September 2022

Strategy for solar energy for Lyngby-Taarbæk Municipality

Through their participation in the DK2020 project, Lyngby-Taarbæk Municipality (LTM) has made a goal of net zero emission of greenhouse gasses in 2050. This sets a demand for..

15 June 2022

Analysis of subsidy schemes

Following from the Danish climate agreement on energy and industry from 22nd June 2020, it was decided to initiate an analysis of the development of the electricity market...

28 February 2022

Catalogue of prerequisites for preparation of municipal heating plans

Political agreements from the summer of 2022 entails that the Danish municipalities has to have plans for green heating before the end of 2022. This leaves municipalities and..

4 November 2022

Analysis of the electricity retail market

Ea has carried out an internal analysis of the electricity retail market for the Danish Energy Agency, focusing on small consumers such as households and small and medium..

6 March 2022

Energy economics for Nordic Sugar

Ea Energy Analyses has carried out a draft analysis of the economics of establishing a gas line for future supply of gas to the Nordic Sugar factories. The..

30 June 2022

Analyses for the post 2025 climate plan for Copenhagen Municipality

In 2012, Copenhagen Municipality published the climate plan “KBH 2025”, showing the path to reduction of carbon emissions in Copenhagen with the target that the city should be..

12 August 2022

Climate plan for Rødovre

The Danish parliament has committed to an agreement for a binding climate law, to ensure that greenhouse gas emissions are reduced by 70% in 2030 compared to 1990,..

1 August 2022

Climate plan for Gentofte

Along with 45 other municipalities, Gentofte Municipality has become a part of the second phase of the DK2020 project. Through DK2020 the municipalities commit to develop and implement..

8 June 2022

Pit thermal energy storage in Roskilde

In this project Ea Energy Analyses participated in a pre-feasibility study on whether investing in a pit thermal energy storage (PTES) in Roskilde would be financially attractive. The..

1 March 2022

Ea participates in Energifonden’s Summer School

Every summer Energifonden (the Energy Fund) carries out their Summer School event for participants from government bodies, municipalities, interest organisations, energy companies, advisors, NGO’s etc., about the development..

31 August 2022

Economic analysis of fungal batteries for storing sustainable energy

Ea Energy Analyses participated in a research project about development and testing of a flow battery based solely on fungal quinones. Aalborg University was the lead on the..

31 December 2022

IEA Wind Task 26 - Cost of Wind Energy

Representing Denmark, Ea Energy Analyses was a participant of the IEA Wind Task 26 – Cost of Wind Energy. It is an international forum for exchange of knowledge..

1 March 2022

Energy Country Programs and Projects, ECPP

Under the auspices of the ‘Energy Country Program and Project’, the Danish Energy Agency provides technical assistance combined with policy dialogue in promotion of renewable energy, energy efficiency,..

31 December 2022


Hydrogen market screening

Ea Energy Analyses has conducted a screening of the hydrogen market. In the analysis the national hydrogen strategies are examined, along with the costs of hydrogen production, and..

18 August 2021

Analysis of a new aFRR market in East Denmark

To ensure security of supply in the electricity system, Energinet buys various types of reserves for the market areas DK1 and DK2, which covers West and East Denmark,..

31 December 2021

Heating plan for Furesø Municipality

Furesø Municipality takes actions to further the green transition, and the municipality is therefore taking part in the second phase of the DK2020-project. By participating, the municipality commits to..

1 August 2021

The skillset needed to support the green transition in the future

Meeting the national goal of a 70% reduction in greenhouse gasses in 2030 will require very significant changes in the energy system over a short period of time...

20 December 2021

Potential outlet opportunities for CO2

Ea Energy Analyses has investigated the current markets for CO2 and looked at the cost of carbon capture, storage and transport. Furthermore, Ea started looking into the factors,..

30 June 2021

The economic prerequisites of the climate proposal from Radikale Venstre

In the autumn of 2021, Ea reviewed the economic prerequisites of the climate proposal from Danish party Radikale Venste, titled “110% Grønt Danmark” (a 110% green Denmark). The..

15 December 2021

Mapping the Danish wood pellet market in 2020

On behalf of the Danish Energy Agency, Ea Energy Analyses has mapped the total supply of wood pellets to the Danish market in 2020. A similar study was..

1 December 2021

Flexibility of individual heat pumps

To reach the ambitious Danish climate targets of reducing greenhouse gas emissions by 70% in 2030 and become climate neutral by 2050 at the latest, there needs to..

31 October 2021

The future district heating production in Rønne

The board of Rønne Varme (district heating company in Rønne) has initiated a strategy process with the aim of pointing to the future of the district heating production..

31 October 2021

Analysis on alternatives to using natural gas in Fredensborg Municipality

Fredensborg Municipality has a target of having a fossil free electricity and heat supply by 2035 at the latest. This will mean decommissioning approximately 7500 individual natural gas..

15 August 2021

Digital solutions for energy efficiency

Ea has investigated the socio-economic and energy related potential for energy savings through digital solutions for energy efficiency in the building mass towards 2030. This means efficiencies obtained..

1 August 2021

Danida Balmorel course 2021

In August 2021, the Technical University of Denmark conducted a four-week course on the power system model Balmorel. For this course they partnered with Ea Energy Analyses and..

10 September 2021

Optimised scenario for reduction of biomass for electricity and district heating

Since the 1990ies, a large part of the Danish electricity and heat production has been transitioned away from coal, especially to biomass and natural gas. In recent years,..

1 September 2021

The 2030 plan by the Confederation of Danish Industry

For the Confederation of Danish Industry (a private business and employers’ organisation), Ea Energy Analyses has prepared an analysis of the possibilities and socioeconomic costs of reaching the..

4 October 2021

Economic analysis of the SkyClean technology

Stiesdal Fuel Technologies develops the so-called SkyClean technology. This technology consists of heating up biomass in a reactor, for instance straw pellets, to 500-600 degrees, whereby a conversion..

31 January 2021

Analysis of bidding zones

The electricity system is facing challenges from the green transition. Massive expansions of wind and solar power on market terms can lead to bottlenecks in the grid. Pros..

1 February 2021

Projection of electricity market prices

Ea Energy Analyses has made a projection of electricity market prices towards 2050 for the DK1 bidding zone (Western Denmark) for AffaldVarmeAarhus (Danish waste, recycling, and heating company)...

19 March 2021

An analysis of new supply for the district heating system in Nakskov

District heating company Lolland Varme, which supplies heat for about 5500 customers on West and Midlolland, currently has their district heating production based primarily on biomass. This project..

30 September 2021

The impact of the EU climate targets on the Danish export of energy technologies

In December 2020, the EU agreed on increasing the ambitions for reduction of the total greenhouse gas emissions in the EU, so that the target is now a..

28 February 2021

The district heating customers of the future in the capital area

The project “Future district heating supply in the capital area 2050” (FFH50) is carried out by the supply companies CTR, HOFOR, VEKS and Vestforbrænding. In the project, scenarios..

31 March 2021

Scenario analyses for the future supply of district heating in the capital area

As a part of the project “The future supply of district heating in the capital area 2050” (FFH50), Ea Energy Analyses has done calculations on scenarios for the..

1 September 2021

Update of technology catalogue for heating installations

The Danish Energy Agency and Energinet jointly develop technology catalogues for assessments of developments in energy technology. The catalogues have technical, economic, and environmental information for a range..

30 April 2021

Climate plan for Allerød

Meeting the government’s target of 70% reduction in greenhouse gas emissions in 2030 requires new policies and a change in regulations on a national basis, but it will..

28 February 2021

Socioeconomic heat prices for the Danish capital area

There is a continuous conversion of individual natural gas customers to district heating in the Danish capital area. Project proposals addressing the socioeconomic consequences must be prepared for..

30 April 2021


Analysis of the mFRR market in East Denmark

To ensure security of supply in the electricity system, Energinet buys various types of reserves for the market areas DK1 and DK2 (areas covering West and East Denmark,..

31 December 2020

Value of hydrogen-based electricity storage

Ea Energy Analyses has analysed the potential value of the Green Hydrogen Hub (GHH) concept for Gas Storage Denmark. The concept combines electrolysers, hydrogen storage and compressed-air energy..

31 December 2020

Transition analysis for energy planning network

In May 2018 the network cooperation “Energi på Tværs” developed a joint strategic energy plan for the municipalities in the Capital Region, along with four surrounding municipalities (EPT33)...

1 November 2020

Climate plan for Frederiksberg Municipality

Frederiksberg Municipality wishes to take co-responsibility for the green transition, and the municipality has therefore set several ambitious climate objectives as a framework for the work on the..

31 October 2020

Calculations on climate actions for the Danish Trade Union Confederation

In May 2020 the Danish Trade Union Confederation presented their take on a climate plan with the title ”Sammen skaber vi Danmark: Sammen skaber vi grøn omstilling” (“Together..

31 May 2020

Strategic energy plan for Sønderborg Municipality

In this project, Ea Energy Analyses aided Sønderborg Municipality in updating their strategic energy plan. The updated energy plan illuminates how Sønderborg Municipality can become carbon neutral in..

31 October 2020

Plan for adjustment of the waste incineration capacity in Denmark

In December 2020, KL, the Danish national association of municipalities, published a plan for adjusting the Danish waste incineration capacity, by shutting down 30% of the capacity during..

31 December 2020

Review of the group strategy for Energinet

The board at Energinet (company running the Danish energy infrastructure) adopted a new group strategy in November 2019, which was based on the significant and current challenge to..

1 August 2020

Balmorel training for CTR and VEKS

Ea Energy Analyses has extensive experience in using, developing, and training others in the power systems model Balmorel. In this project, Ea held a course in the model..

31 December 2020

The value of gas storage

The green transition creates new conditions for the economy of and demand for gas storage. On one hand, a shift away from the use of gas is happening,..

1 September 2020

Alternatives to biomass in the electricity and heat supply

In this project, Ea Energy Analyses investigated the potential for new technologies in the electricity and district heating sectors. The analysis had three main parts An overview of..

31 October 2020

Climate plan for Roskilde

With the Strategic Climate and Energy Plan from 2019, Roskilde Municipality has set a number of climate and energy goals, which in several respects are more ambitious than..

15 August 2020

Energy savings potential in renovations

In this project, Ea Energy Analyses has carried out an analysis for EjendomDanmark (The Danish Property Federation) with the purpose of clarifying the potential for energy savings and..

31 May 2020

Climate partnership for the construction sector

In this project Ea Energy Analyses carried out an analysis on how initiatives on the energy consumption of buildings can contribute to reducing greenhouse gas emissions in Denmark..

18 March 2020

Climate impact of holiday traveling

In this project, Ea Energy Analyses investigated emission factors for different of modes of transport, for use when calculating the total climate impact of a journey. In addition..

31 January 2020

Energy scenarios for Region Syddanmark

In this project, Ea Energy Analyses aided Region Syddanmark (administrative region covering southern Jutland and Fyn) in preparing a climate strategy, which explored possible actions the region and..

31 December 2020

Reducing greenhouse gas emissions towards 2030 – possibilities and costs

Ea Energy Analyses has assisted the climate partnership for the energy and supply sector with an analysis of several initiatives for reducing greenhouse gas emissions in Denmark towards..

31 March 2020

Biomass statistics for 2019

In this project, Ea Energy Analyses estimated the development in Denmark’s consumption of firewood, straw, wood chips, wood waste and wood pellets outside the supply sector, as well..

30 November 2020

Power to X strategy for Dansk Energi

In this project Ea Energy Analyses prepared a summary brief for Dansk Energi (lobby organisation for Danish energy companies) as input for a strategy on Power to X..

30 November 2020

Use of surplus heat from data centre in Høje Taastrup

This project was about setting up a heat pump system connected to a future data centre in Høje Taastrup. The heat pump would be using surplus heat generated..

31 December 2020

AFI reporting

The AFI directive (AFI stands for “alternative fuels infrastructure”) was passed in the EU in 2014. As a result of this, the member states must send in documentation..

31 January 2020

Strategic energy plan for Holbæk Municipality

The Danish government has set a target for reducing the emission of greenhouse gasses by 70% in 2030, compared to 1990. Meeting the target requires new policies and..

30 September 2020

Wastewater heat pumps in Aarhus

In the district heating sector, electrically powered heat pumps are expected to play a significant role in the coming decades. The economy of heat pump solutions has improved..

31 January 2020

Strategic energy plan for Næstved Municipality

The purpose of the project was to investigate how Næstved Municipality going forward is ensured cheap and environmentally friendly heating that will work for years going forward. As..

31 May 2020

Climate plan Helsingør Municipality 2045

During 2018 and 2019, Ea Energy Analyses assisted Helsingør Municipality in developing an action and climate plan for the municipality towards 2030, based on a wish for a..

18 March 2020

Roadmap: Phasing out natural gas for indoor heating

In the spring of 2019, Energifonden started the project “Phasing out natural gas for indoor heating”. The Danish Parliament jointly agreed on an energy agreement in June 2018,..

24 April 2020

Danida Balmorel course 2020

Ea Energy Analyses delivered a course on the Balmorel model, together with the Technical University of Denmark (DTU), to 25 participants coming from Indonesia, Ethiopia and Egypt. In..

30 June 2020

Value of storage in the Danish electricity system

Energinet has asked Ea Energy Analyses to analyse the benefits and main drivers for the installation of electricity storage units in the Danish power system. This will supplement the..

20 May 2020

Liberalisation and unbundling of the Danish electricity sector

The liberalisation of the Danish electricity sector during the years 1995 to 2020 was analysed in this project. Based on this analysis, Ea Energy Analyses and the Danish..

31 May 2020

Balmorel support for think tank Grøn Energi

In the project “Energy Supply 2030”, Ea Energy Analyses supported the think tank Grøn Energi in the use of the Balmorel model for various analyses of investments in..

3 March 2020

Roadmap for electrification in Denmark

Electrification is increasingly seen as a crucial prerequisite for achieving the Danish climate ambitions of at least 55% renewable energy in 2030 and independence of fossil fuels in..

29 February 2020

Strategic energy planning in Aarhus

In this project, Ea Energy Analyses provided technical counselling and assistance to the strategic energy planning for Aarhus municipality. The goal of the project was to have a..

30 June 2020

Nordic Clean Energy Progress

The five Nordic countries – Denmark, Finland, Iceland, Norway and Sweden – have some of the most ambitious energy and climate policies in the world. Despite this, achieving..

19 June 2020


Update of description of PV in technology catalogue

The Danish Energy Agency and Energinet jointly develop technology catalogues for assessments of developments in energy technology. The catalogues have technical, economic, and environmental information for a range..

15 November 2019

Consequences of consumer-binding in district heating

In Denmark, the production of district heating is split between more than 400 distribution companies that deliver district heating to around 64% of Danish households. The government wishes..

31 January 2019

Mapping the Danish wood pellet market in 2018

Ea Energy Analyses has carried out a wood pellet survey of the total supply of wood pellets to the Danish market in 2018, on behalf of the Danish..

31 October 2019

Biogas for heavy transport

In this project, Ea Energy Analyses carried out an evaluation of the options for, and consequences of, putting vans and lorries fuelled by biogas and diesel on equal..

5 July 2019

Fjernvarme Fyn Scenario Analysis

Fjernvarme Fyn has prepared a scenario analysis for phasing out coal on block 7 at Fynsværket power plant in Odense. Ea Energy Analyses contributed with scenario calculations for..

19 November 2019

Case studies of investments in district heating

As a consequence of the Energy Agreement of 2018 and the government’s strategy of supply, the Danish Energy Agency (DEA) has carried out a series of analyses on..

31 July 2019

Support for district heating analyses

As a consequence of the Danish government’s energy agreement from June 2018, the Danish Energy Agency (DEA) carried out a wide-ranging analysis of the consequences of changes to..

31 October 2019

Strategic energy plan for Egedal Municipality

Ea Energy Analyses has aided Egedal Municipality in developing a strategic energy plan. Ea specifically helped with analysing the economics of district heating development compared to individual solutions..

20 December 2019

Electrification report for TEKNIQ Arbejdsgiverne

In collaboration with TEKNIQ Arbejdsgiverne, Ea Energy Analyses has made a report, which investigates the influence of electrification on the field of mechanical and electrical contract work in..

30 June 2019

Transport analysis for climate plan

In order to determine the effects of a variety of potential political initiatives in the road transport sector, Ea Energy Analyses carried out impact assessments and private economy..

31 January 2019

Screening of electricity storage

The great rise in output from sun and wind power begs the question of the need for electricity storage. In this project, Ea Energy Analyses mapped relevant technologies..

28 February 2019

Co-firing biomass on large coal-fired power plants

Under the framework agreement with the Danish Energy Agency, this project gathered and transfered technical and regulatory experiences with co-combustion of solid biomass with coal in large utilities..

31 January 2019

Plan for district heating in Aarhus (KlimaVarmePlan 2020)

Aarhus Municipality actively works to reduce the carbon footprint of the city. The target is to become carbon neutral already by 2030, and towards 2050 the energy system..

30 June 2019

Hydrogen storage

On behalf of the Danish Energy Agency and Energinet Elsystemansvar A/S, Ea Energy Analyses did a screening of different technical solutions for hydrogen storage. The purpose of the..

28 February 2019

Data centres and the need for renewable energy

A number of data centres are planned or are under construction in Denmark, and the Danish Energy Agency expects them to have an electricity usage corresponding to about..

30 April 2019

Operating strategy for pit thermal energy storage in Høje Taastrup

In Høje Taastrup the establishment of a pit thermal energy storage is planned, which has an effect/storage ratio where up-and offloading can have a duration of days or..

31 March 2019

Wind modelling for Balmorel

The characteristics of wind power production have changed significantly during the last couple of years, as wind turbines grow larger and the ratio of swept area to generator..

30 June 2019

Further development of SisyfosR

The Danish Energy Agency has developed the Sisyfos tool for analysing the security of electricity supply in Denmark. Sisyfos simulates a high number of scenarios for the power..

31 December 2019

Flue gas condensation at Køge CHP

Køge CHP (KKV) consists of two wood chip fired blocks, KKV7 and KKV8, where KKV7 was put into operation in 1987, and KKV8 in 1999. The plant was..

31 December 2019

Energy scenarios for Vietnam

The use of electricity is increasing rapidly in Vietnam – and the supply is today primarily based on coal. In a number of projects, energy scenarios for Vietnam..

30 September 2019

Climate and sustainability plan for Helsingør Municipality

Helsingør Municipality wishes to be one of the municipalities in Denmark with the smallest carbon footprint per inhabitant. As a result, the municipality has a goal of reducing..

31 March 2019

Data for Individual Heating technology catalogue

In this project, Ea Energy Analyses supported Energinet in updating the methodology/guidance in the technology catalogue for individual heating, ‘Technology Data for Individual Heating Installations’. The technology catalogue..

30 August 2019

Measures to reduce greenhouse gas emissions in Denmark towards 2030

Ea Energy Analyses has analysed a number of measures to significantly reduce greenhouse gas emissions in Denmark by 2030 as a part of the technical background material for..

30 September 2019


Solrød Biogas: Increasing heat production

The biogas plant in Solrød south of Copenhagen was commissioned in 2015. It produces biogas based on livestock manure, industrial waste from, among others, the nearby CP Kelco..

31 March 2018

RD&D strategy for thermal gasification

Thermal gasification can become an important part of the future energy system. Ea Energy Analyses has, on behalf of the Danish Partnership for Thermal Gasification, collected input from..

30 June 2018

Optimal heat-saving level in the existing building stock

It is a political goal for Denmark to be a low carbon economy by 2050, independent of fossil fuels, where renewable energy production is sufficient to cover total..

30 June 2018

Electricity Storage Technology Catalogue

The Danish Energy Agency and Energinet jointly develop technology catalogues for assessments of developments in energy technology. The catalogues are used in connection with model work and other..

28 February 2018

Intelligent buildings in a smart energy system

Sweco and Ea Energy Analyses have, on behalf of the Danish Energy Agency, prepared an assessment of the potential for contribution by buildings to flexibility in the electricity..

31 October 2018

Strategic Energy Planning for Southern Jutland and South-West Jutland

The transition to a fossil-free energy system by 2050 will require huge investments. Although the overall direction is clear, there is uncertainty as to how the conversion to..

30 June 2018

Forced operation of power generation plants

The Danish Electricity Supply Act gives Energinet the authority to order power plants to be ready for operation or in operation, to ensure the security of supply of..

31 March 2018

CITIES – IT-Intelligent Energy Systems in Cities

Ea Energy Analyses participated in the project CITIES (Centre for IT-Intelligent Energy Systems in Cities) led by the Technical University of Denmark and Aalborg University. The objective of..

31 December 2018

Demonstration of the dynamic energy system

The vision of ProjectZero is to make the Sønderborg area CO2 neutral in 2029 at the latest, with a milestone of reducing the emissions of CO2 by 75% in 2025...

30 November 2018

Gas scenarios 2018

The natural gas usage in Denmark has been declining in the past 15 years, and it is considered likely that the decline will continue. In this project, Ea..

30 September 2018

Biomass import and consumption in Denmark in 2017

Ea Energy Analyses helps the Danish Energy Agency annually with input to the annual energy statistics. For 2017, Ea has estimated the trend in Denmark’s consumption of straw,..

30 November 2018

Analysis of electricity supply in East Denmark

In this project, Ea Energy Analyses examined how the security of electricity supply in East Denmark can be expected to develop towards 2030. The analyses were carried out..

31 May 2018

Analyses of costs of reserves in the electricity system

Ea Energy Analyses has collaborated with the The Danish Utility Regulator on analyses of the costs of reserves in the electricity system. The work has included analyses of..

30 June 2018

Analysis of Danish energy companies' reported cost

The Danish energy companies annually realise energy efficiency targets in accordance with the Danish Energy Efficiency Obligation. The costs of the companies’ energy saving activities are covered as..

31 October 2018

Quality assurance of LCoE calculator

The LCoE Calculator was originally developed in a collaboration between the Danish Energy Agency and Ea Energy Analyses, as an online tool for calculating production costs of electricity..

31 May 2018

Scenario analysis of investment strategy for Fjernvarme Fyn

The distribution of district heating in the Odense area is today mainly based on heat production from four production units. One of these is Blok 7 at Fynsværket,..

31 August 2018


The use of gas in the energy system has a number of advantages. It is an efficient and highly flexible fuel to utilise. Characterised by high ramping rates,..

31 December 2018


Mapping the Danish wood pellet market in 2016

Ea Energy Analyses has carried out a wood pellet survey of the total supply of wood pellets to the Danish market in 2016, on behalf of the Danish..

31 December 2017

Analyses of renewable energy targets for 2030

Ea Energy Analyses did an analysis for The Danish Council on Climate Change on how future goals for renewable energy can be met at lowest cost. The study..

30 November 2017

The future of gas in Denmark

Since the beginning of the noughties, the usage of gas in Denmark has been rapidly declining. The future gas usage is under pressure from lower prices on sun..

30 November 2017

Paths to reaching 50% renewable energy in Denmark by 2030

Commissioned by the Danish Wind Industry Association, Ea Energy Analyses prepared a scenario analysis of different paths for reaching the Danish target of at least 50% RE in..

31 July 2017

Framework conditions for thermal gasification

The project comprised work package 4 in a EUDP project managed by The Partnership for Thermal Gasification (Partnerskabet for Termisk Forgasning) which ran from August 2014 to July..

31 July 2017

Personal vehicle driving patterns

In order to better understand the future demand for gas and electricity from transport, was interested in investigating when driving gas and electric vehicles will become competitive..

31 January 2017

Integration of thermal gasification in the energy system

The analyses in this project contributed to the foundation of the formulation and implementation of a strategy for thermal gasification. The project comprised work package 2 in a..

31 January 2017

Optimising urban planning with energy models

Urban planners are more and more involved in minimising the energy and climate impact of the municipal development. The objective of this project was to develop an open..

31 March 2017

Energy supply in the Capital Region of Denmark – investments overlook

In 2015 the Capital Region of Denmark and the municipalities in the region agreed on a joint energy vision, with focus on phasing out fossil fuels in the..

30 December 2017

Analysis of the competition in the district heating sector

Ea Energy Analyses carried out an analysis of the competition in the district heating sector for the Danish Energy Agency, in cooperation with Deloitte and Konveks. The analysis..

30 November 2017

Northern Europe waste outlook

On behalf of a confidential client, Ea undertook a study of the Northern European waste markets and waste flows (with focus on the UK and the Netherlands) in..

31 October 2017

Strategy for Køge Biomass CHP

In 2012 VEKS acquired an older 100 MW-input biomass CHP plant from DONG Energy (now Ørsted). The plant needed substantial refurbishment and other investments, in order to run..

30 November 2017

Study of the wood chip market in Denmark

On behalf of a confidential client, Ea undertook a detailed analysis of the market for wood chips in Denmark with a focus on regional price differences and logistic..

30 June 2017


Demonstration of alternatives to oil and natural gas burners

During the project, a series of demonstrations projects were conducted, with the purpose of making it more attractive for building owners with oil and gas boilers to convert..

31 January 2016

Updated biomass prices

Ea Energy Analyses has twice previously provided the Danish Energy Agency (Energistyrelsen) with long-term price forecasts for biomass (wood pellets, wood chips and straw), with the most recent..

30 November 2016

Firewood consumption in Denmark in 2015

Every other year the consumption of firewood in Denmark is estimated by the Danish Energy Agency (DEA) and the Environmental Protection Agency (EPA). The survey provides input to..

30 November 2016

Danish energy companies' reported cost under the Energy Efficiency Obligation

The Danish energy companies annually realise energy efficiency targets in accordance with the Danish Energy Efficiency Obligation. The costs of the companies’ energy saving activities are covered as..

30 September 2016

Danish-Ethiopian wind energy days

In collaboration with the Danish Energy Agency and relevant Danish stakeholders within wind energy, the Danish Embassy organised a Wind Energy Workshop in Ethiopia. At the workshop, a..

31 May 2016

Energy supply 2030

Denmark has a goal of 100% sustainable energy in 2050, and district heating can play an important part in meeting this goal. The report “Energiforsyning 2030” (energy supply..

30 November 2016

Value of waste incineration in the Danish energy system

Waste incineration is a significant part of the production of district heating in Denmark, and the regulation for waste incineration is changing. EU is now allowing international trade..

30 April 2016

Biogas and other renewable fuels for heavy transport

The government’s long-term goal is that Denmark must be independent of fossil fuels by 2050. The report “Energy Scenarios to 2020, 2035 and 2050” presented four possible options..

31 December 2016

The cost of fossil free energy supply in Denmark

In this project, Ea Energy Analyses identified the marginal energy system costs of the transition to a green Danish energy supply in an analysis for the Danish Economic..

31 January 2016


Costs associated with frequent billing information

To comply with the directive on energy efficiency article 10 and 11, Ea Energy Analyses have been commissioned by the Danish Energy Agency to analyse the costs associated..

31 October 2015

LED calculator for small and medium sized retail businesses

As part of the Growth Agreement of July 14th, 2014, the Danish Climate, Energy and Building Ministry created an Energy Savings Secretariat, under the Danish Energy Agency. The..

30 September 2015

Analyses of regional district heating system development

Many municipalities in Region Zealand and The Capital Region of Denmark work with strategic energy planning and since the energy systems in the municipalities are closely related, there..

31 December 2015

Scenarios for Green Transport

Denmark has a long-term goal to be independent of fossil fuels by 2050. This has consequences for the transport sector, which is primarily based on oil. At the..

30 November 2015

District heating in Odense

The district heating system in Odense is the third largest in Denmark and is today supplied with heat from different sources. Fynsværket CHP delivers district heating with one..

30 April 2015

Economic regulation of the Danish gas sector

In February 2016, The Danish Energy Agency published the report “En effektiv gassektor” (An efficient gas sector) with recommendations from the work initiated by a plan for growth,..

30 September 2015

Transition to renewable energy in the Capital Region of Denmark

The Capital Region of Denmark has set targets to be a green and innovative metropole and has outlined a strategy of growth and development, where the objective is..

30 June 2015

Taxes and subsidies on Energy in Denmark

Taxes on energy serves to purposes. Besides raising government revenue, taxes promotes climate and energy policy objectives. Consumption of electricity and fossil fuels used for heating purposes are..

30 June 2015

Heating storage facility in Høje Taastrup

Heat Plan Greater Copenhagen 3 showed that an increase in the heating storage capacity would be both technically and economically sound. Presently, the district heating system of the..

31 October 2015

Danish experiences with integration of renewables

For many years, Denmark has been leading in the use of renewable energy with a particular focus on wind power. In 2014, wind power accounted for 39% of..

30 September 2015

Strategic energy planning in the Capital Region of Denmark

The Capital Region of Denmark, Local Government Denmark (Capital section) and the 29 municipalities in the region, utilities, knowledge institutions and consultants, as well as the partner organisation..

31 August 2015

Financial support for strategic energy planning and for green pilot projects

Ea Energy Analyses has on behalf of the Danish Energy Agency and Local Government Denmark carried out an evaluation of the financial support for partnerships for strategic energy..

31 December 2015

Scenario analyses and energy balance for Høje-Taastrup

In January 2014, the municipality of Høje-Taastrup initiated the project “Høje-Taastrup Going Green” with financial support from the Danish Energy Agency for strategic energy planning. The aim of..

31 December 2015

Experience of private businesses with energy efficiency

The Energy Saving Secretariat under the Danish Energy Agency was created in the autumn 2014 and has as aim to promote energy savings in private businesses, in particular..

31 May 2015

Evaluation of research and development programs

The objective of the project was to evaluate the results and impact of three research and development programs, namely EUDP – the energy technology development and demonstration program, ..

31 October 2015

Optimising the quality of wind power

Wind power is a cornerstone in the green transition of the power sector and onshore energy is in many cases competitive with power production based on fossil fuel...

31 December 2015

Viking Link and other initiatives for integration of wind power

In this project, Ea Energy Analyses has explored several initiatives to integrate wind power such as heat pumps, immersion heaters, and an electric connection between Denmark and England..

31 December 2015


Heat Plan Greater Copenhagen

The heating companies in Copenhagen, CTR, HOFOR and VEKS has carried out the third phase of Heat Plan Greater Copenhagen. During the project the development of the heating..

31 October 2014

READY - Heat pumps in a smart grid future

The energy system is changing and will be increasingly complex in the future. The share of wind power in Danish electricity consumption was expected to increase to 50%..

30 November 2014

Biomass plan for the municipality of Favrskov

Ea Energy Analyses has carried out a plan to increase production and use of biomass for the municipality of Favrskov. The focus was on existing types of biomass..

31 August 2014

CPH Clean Cab

The transport sector is one of the biggest challenges in making the energy system independent of fossil fuels. A number of studies indicate that electric vehicles will constitute..

31 January 2014

The Socioeconomic value of importing waste

Ea Energy Analyses has analysed the socioeconomic consequences associated with importing waste to fill unused capacity in Denmark’s existing waste incineration plants. The analyses compares different scenarios with..

30 May 2014

Technology Catalogue – Wind power

Ea Energy Analyses has provided assistance to the Danish Energy Agency in updating and expanding the Technology Catalogue for wind power. The technical and performance characteristics, as well..

31 January 2014

Sourcing of wood chips to Amager Bio4

HOFOR (in English, Greater Copenhagen Utility) will be commissioning a new block at its Amager power plant, Amagerværket block 4, which will use sustainable wood chips in a..

31 December 2014

Biomass prices at places of consumption

On behalf of the Danish Energy Agency, Ea Energy Analyses has analysed the development of biomass prices at the place of consumption. As a part of the assignment,..

30 September 2014

Integration of wind power in the energy system

Today, wind power represents more than 30% of the domestic electricity supply in Denmark. Both national and international plans indicate that the share of wind power will increase..

30 November 2014

Smart grid ready buildings

Following the transition towards a carbon free energy supply, we are going to see an increase in the demand for smart grid solutions within every part of the..

31 August 2014

Energy Cost Calculator

Ea Energy Analyses offers an interactive online tool the Energy Cost Calculator that allows its users to include and adjust parameters related to electricity generation for various technologies,..

31 December 2014


Electricity demand as frequency controlled reserve – Implementation and practical demonstration

As the amounts of electricity production from renewable energies increase in the electricity system, ancillary system services are getting greater attention. These services ensure the energy balance in..

31 July 2013

Flexpower – testing a market design

In Denmark, central power plants have traditionally been the primary providers of regulating power, i.e. increases or decreases in electricity production with short notice. Expanding the share of..

31 December 2013

Analysis and projections of biomass fuel prices

In association with the Technical University of Denmark, Ea Energy Analyses carried out a study for the Danish Energy Agency (DEA), which is part of the DEA’s periodic..

31 July 2013

Strategic energy plan – Frederiksberg

The Frederiksberg Municipality has set a target of reducing CO2 emissions in 2020 by 35 % compared to 2005, and to contribute to Denmark’s goal of independence from..

31 August 2013

Prospects for gas in the transport sector

Ea Energy Analyses conducted a scenario analysis of the use of gas in the transport sector. The scenario analysis described a possible development for the use of gas..

31 October 2013

Strategic energy planning in the Region of Southern Denmark

The Region of Southern Denmark has launched a cross-organizational cooperation on strategic energy planning in the region. Ea Energy Analyses has assisted the Region in illustrating the perspective..

30 June 2013

Guide to analysis of system changes and scenario analyses

Ea Energy Analyses assisted the Danish Energy Agency in preparing the “Guide to analysis of system changes and scenario analyses”. The guide is part of the Danish Energy..

30 September 2013

Biogas Task Force

In connection with the Danish Energy Agreement of March 2012, it was agreed to establish a Biogas Task Force, whose purpose was to follow up on the objective..

28 February 2013

Danish Economic Council: Environmental and economic calculations using Balmorel

Ea Energy Analyses provides calculations and analyses made with the Balmorel model as well as advice on various energy-related issues to the Danish Economic Councils. The calculations and..

28 February 2013

Efficiency is more than energy

Traditionally, energy advisers and their clients see the value of energy efficiency improvement as saved energy times the energy price. This perception constitutes a barrier to the implementation..

31 December 2013

New biomass-fired cogeneration plant on Amager

In 2010-2011 Københavns Energi (KE) (now HOFOR) conducted the first phase of an analysis investigating the possibility of establishing a new effective biomass-fired power plant on Amager. The..

31 August 2013

Calculating energy use of private consumers

Ea Energy Analyses has developed a database driven method for calculating the energy use of private consumers on behalf of the Ministry of Housing, Urban and Rural Affairs...

31 December 2013

Analyses of energy efficiency obligations and alternative systems

Ea Energy Analyses has conducted an analysis of selected energy efficiency obligations (EEOs) and alternative policy instruments aimed at furthering energy efficiency. The purpose of the analysis was..

30 September 2013

Green value of biogas

Ea Energy Analyses has carried out an investigation of future willingness-to-pay (WTP) for biomethane certificates in Denmark. The investigation is based on a general analysis of voluntary willingness..

31 August 2013

The future website for comparison of electricity prices

A good website for electricity price comparison can be one of several instruments to encourage a more efficient retail market. It will give the interested consumer the possibility..

31 March 2013

The future district heating supply in the area of TVIS

Ea Energy Analyses has been assessing the future heat production for the owner municipalities of TVIS, Vejle, Fredericia, Middelfart and Kolding. This includes an investigation of options for..

31 March 2013


Biomass plan of action for Randers, Norddjurs and Syddjurs municipalities

The Danish part of the EU financed ENERCOAST project is lead by Agro Business Park/INBIOM and is based on the biomass potential in Region Midtjylland (administrative region in..

31 August 2012

Biogas – analysis and overview

Ea Energy Analyses has assisted in analysing how biogas best can be integrated into the cohesive energy system from a socioeconomic perspective, and identified possible improvements of..

31 May 2012

Aarhus – The future requirements for flexibility in the energy system

Ea Energy Analyses did an analysis of the future need for flexibility in the energy system and possible means to cover this need for the municipality of Aarhus...

30 June 2012

Evaluation of the Danish Knowledge Center for Energy Savings in Buildings

Ea Energy Analyses conducted an evaluation of the Danish Knowledge Center for Energy Savings in Buildings for the Danish Energy Saving Trust. The evaluation of the Knowledge Center..

31 May 2012

Energy efficiency obligation – evaluation of impact and cost

Ea Energy Analyses, in collaboration with NIRAS and Viegand & Maagøe, has conducted an evaluation of the energy companies’ energy efficiency obligation with a view to making recommendations..

31 May 2012

Guide on mapping methods for strategic energy planning in the municipalities

Ea Energy Analyses, in collaboration with NIRAS, has prepared a guide in mapping methods and data capture for the Danish Energy Agency, for use in municipal strategic energy planning...

31 January 2012

Electric taxis

In this preliminary appraisal, a fleet project involving the purchase and demonstration of 30 electric taxis was prepared for the Danish taxi company “4×35”. As part of the..

31 March 2012

Electrolysis by means of SOEC

Ea participates in four projects about electrolysis by means of “solid oxide electrolyser cells”. By using electrolysis, inexpensive electricity can be used to convert e.g. biogas or CO2 and..

30 June 2012

Biogas from domestic waste - Screening of technologies for biological gasification of domestic waste

In May 2012 the City of Copenhagen presented a draft for a Climate Action Plan, whereby Copenhagen is expected to become the world’s first CO2-neutral capital by 2025...

31 July 2012

Operational Strategy for Køge CHP

VEKS took over Køge CHP Plant from DONG Energy on 1st of May 2012. The plant consists of two units, KKV7 and KKV8. KKV7 has been out of..

30 June 2012


Workshop on regulation of district heating

On February 4, 2011, Ea Energy Analyses hosted a workshop for a number of governmental bodies and industry players in the field of district heating. Discussions focused on..

28 February 2011

The effect of building regulations on energy consumption in single-family houses in Denmark

An important part of the work on energy savings is to evaluate the effect of measures for control. Based on this, Ea Energy Analyses and Roskilde University (the..

31 March 2011

EDISON - introduction of electric vehicles in the electricity market

Ea Energy Analyses participated in the EDISON project (Electric vehicles in a Distributed and Integrated market using Sustainable energy and Open Networks) during the period of Jan. 2009..

31 March 2011

Heat storage in Nordhavn

In cooperation with Copenhagen Energy (now HOFOR), COWI and Ea Energy Analyses have investigated the value of establishing a large heat storage in the northern part of Copenhagen..

30 April 2011

Practical handling of additionality in the energy companies' energy saving activities

A key element in the evaluation of energy policy instruments is to measure the net effect of these. On behalf of the Danish Energy Association, Ea Energy Analyses has described how the framework conditions for such instruments can be designed tomaximise the net effect.

31 March 2011

Update of socio-economic fuel prices

The Danish Energy Agency periodically publishes guidelines and assumptions for socio-economic analyses within the energy field. For the edition of assumptions for socio-economic analyses within the energy field..

31 March 2011

The intelligent energy system - possibilities and challenges

On behalf of the Danish Agriculture and Food Council, Ea Energy Analyses has made a SWOT analysis (strengths, weaknesses, options and threats) of the intelligent energy system based..

31 March 2011

Heat Plan Greater Copenhagen 2

The three major heating companies in Copenhagen, VEKS, Copenhagen Energy (now HOFOR) and the Metropolitan Copenhagen Heating Transmission company (known as CTR), has completed a  common project, Heat..

30 September 2011

City of Copenhagen – Energy supply 2025

The City of Copenhagen has a vision of being carbon neutral by 2025. According to the Copenhagen Climate Plan, a strategy to achieve the goal must be presented..

31 March 2011

Alternatives to supply obligation

Since 2003 all electricity customers have been able to choose freely between power suppliers. Only a small number of the Danish households have taken advantage of this opportunity..

1 February 2011

Business case for biomass-fired CHP plant

In the autumn of 2010, Copenhagen Energy (now HOFOR) initiated an analysis of the possibilities of establishing a CHP plant to replace heat production from old heat production..

1 April 2011

Biomass for heat and power production - an analysis of market structures

On behalf of Copenhagen Energy and District heating Fyn, Ea Energy Analyses undertook  an analysis of the market structures for the trading of biomass. The analysis contained an..

1 January 2011

Wind turbine economics

An EUDP project also focused on determining what it costs to deliver a kWh of electricity from wind, this project is headed by Per Nielsen and consists of..

30 September 2011

Blueprint for an energy strategy for Gladsaxe Municipality

Ea Energy Analysis has prepared a blueprint for an energy strategy for Gladsaxe Municipality.The aim was to analyse the energy flows in Gladsaxe, in order to identify opportunities..

31 December 2011

Evaluation of the system value of electric vehicles

Ea Energy Analyses has studied the current and future value of electric vehicles to the electricity system. With a focus on electric vehicle owners in Germany, the UK..

30 September 2011

Roadmap for the use of gas in the transport sector

Ea Energy Analyses has conducted a roadmap for the use of gas in the transport sector in Denmark for HMN Naturgas. The use of gas in the transport..

31 October 2011

Potential for demand response within industry, trade and service

On behalf of and the Danish Energy Association, Ea Energy Analyses has analysed the potential for demand response within industry and trade and service.

31 May 2011

Regulatory models for the district heating sector

In February 2011, representatives from the district heating sector, the electricity sector, regulators and consultants gathered to discuss challenges for the district heating sector and future regulation in..

31 December 2011

Interaction between wind turbines and heat pumps

Ea Energy Analyses and COWI in cooperation with Copenhagen Energy (now HOFOR) have carried out an analysis of the value of large heat pumps in interaction with wind..

30 November 2011

CO2 projections for the City of Aarhus

Ea Energy Analyses has assisted the City of Aarhus in projecting the city’s CO2 emissions for the purpose of its climate plan ”Klimaplan 2012-2015 – Det intelligente energisamfund”..

30 April 2011

Analysis of new waste treatment plant in Hjørring, northern Jutland

The waste treatment company, AVV, that handles waste from the municipalities of Hjørring and Brønderslev (northern Jutland) is planning to establish new waste combustion capacity to replace existing..

31 May 2011

An RD&D strategy for district heating

Together with Danish Development Center for District Energy, Aalborg University and Ramboll, Ea Energy Analyses has been taking part in a projects aiming to draw up a new..

31 December 2011

Strategy for waste incineration in relation to the EU Emission Trading Scheme

In 2010, Ea Energy Analyses made an assessment for waste denmark and RenoSam of the advantages and drawbacks of including the Danish waste incineration sector in the EU’s..

31 October 2011

Scenarios for energy consumption in the Danish transport sector

On behalf of the Danish Petroleum Association (EOF), Ea Energy Analyses has made an analysis of the possible development of energy consumption and CO2 emissions in the Danish..

31 May 2011

Heat Supply Projects in Copenhagen

Ea Energy Analyses have assisted the municipality of Copenhagen in the proceedings of various heat supply projects in 2010 and 2011. In 2011, the assistance was focused on..

31 December 2011


Guide to emergency preparedness in public institutions

In 2010 the Danish Energy Authority (now the Danish Energy Agency) asked Ea Energy Analyses to carry out a set of guidelines for emergency preparedness in public institutions..

30 April 2010

Environmental alternatives for district heating in Aarhus

The City of Aarhus wants to achieve carbon neutrality by 2030. The district heating in Aarhus accounts for 18 per cent of the aggregated CO2 emissions and the..

28 February 2010

Scenarios and analyses of policy measures for the Danish Climate Commission

In March 2008, the Danish government set up the Danish Commission on Climate Change Policy consisting of ten scientists specialising in energy, climate, transport, agriculture and economy. The..

30 September 2010

Supervision of the emergency preparedness of

The Danish TSO,, is obliged to maintain an effective emergency preparedness for threats against a reliable power and natural gas supply. The Danish Energy Agency asked Ea..

31 December 2010

Analysis of the possibilities of achieving carbon-neutral district heating from CTR in 2025

CTR, the Metropolitan Copenhagen Heating Transmission Company, has commissioned Ea Energy Analyses to make an assessment of the technical opportunities and the economic costs of reducing carbon emissions..

31 August 2010

Development of electricity prices

Ea Energy Analyses has made a new study of the development of the electricity prices since 1995 for the Danish Energy Agency. The study describes the development of..

30 June 2010

Analysis of the market for bioenergy – locally and internationally

Ea Energy Analyses carried out an analysis of the markets for selected biomass resources and evaluated the consequences of the market development for utilisation on a local level..

30 September 2010

Biomass in Randers, Norddjurs and Syddjurs municipalities – an analysis of supply chains

Ea Energy Analyses has carried out supply chain analyses of selected biomass resources and evaluated the possibilities of increased production and utilisation of biomass in the municipalities of..

31 July 2010

White Paper on the intelligent energy system

With increasing amounts of wind power, developing the overall energy system into a more dynamic system becomes all the more important. A wide range of national and international..

31 May 2010

ESCO – Suitable for promotion of energy savings in individual households?

ESCO is an abbreviation of Energy Service Company. There are indications that the traditional ESCO format, as defined by the EU, is not optimal as leverage for energy..

30 April 2010

Security of supply – a task for the market?

The goal of the project was to analyse the technical, economic and liability aspects of increasingly basing security of supply on market forces. Maintaining a secure energy supply..

29 May 2010


Heat Plan Greater Copenhagen 1

In April 2008, the heating companies VEKS, Copenhagen Energy (now HOFOR) and the Metropolitan Copenhagen Heating Transmission company (known as CTR) initiated a project aimed at drawing up..

1 June 2009

Socio-economics related to the production of 2nd generation bioethanol

Ea Energy Analyses has prepared a report on the socio-economic aspects related to the production of 2nd generation bioethanol. The project was carried out for Partnerskabet for Biobrændstoffer..

30 November 2009

Small-scale wind turbines in Copenhagen

Ea Energy Analyses has investigated the potential for small-scale turbines within Copenhagen municipality. Addressed issues included those related to certification and other legal procedures, local environmental effects, potential sites,..

30 September 2009

Personal vehicle CO2 emissions

On behalf of the Danish Petroleum Association (EOF), Ea Energy Analyses undertook a study of the CO2 emissions from five types of personal vehicles: Gasoline, diesel, hybrid, plug-in hybrid,..

31 July 2009

Action plan for Djurs Energiland

Ea Energy Analyses has been assisting the municipalities of Norddjurs and Syddjurs in the development of an action plan for Djurs Energiland, including a statistical basis for the..

31 October 2009

Review of Danish-Chinese wind energy development programme

In 2005 Chinese-Danish cooperation within the energy sector led to the launch of the Wind Energy Development (WED) Programme. Implementation of the programme started in April 2006 and..

4 January 2009

Green taxes on the industrial sector in Denmark

The project reviewed the current level of energy taxes on the industrial sector and evaluated how changes to the level of energy taxation could influence energy efficient behaviour..

28 February 2009

Financial products to promote energy efficiency in buildings

This analysis describes experiences in Denmark and abroad with financing of energy efficiency in buildings. Some private banks abroad have developed niche products for financing energy efficiency in..

31 January 2009

Demand response in households

The project demonstrated how electrically heated households can respond to fluctuations in electricity prices. More than 500 households participated in the demonstration project. Only automatic devices were effectiveThe..

1 October 2009


Evaluation of the Danish energy savings effort

According to the Danish energy policy agreement of 21 February 2008, an independent evaluation of the Danish energy savings effort should be implemented before the end of 2008...

31 December 2008

Emergency preparedness in relation to power failures in state-owned institutions

Society is strongly dependent on reliable electricity supply. For some types of electricity consumption, it may be suitable to provide an additional security by installing a backup generation..

4 January 2008

Electricity demand as frequency controlled reserve

Together with the Centre for Electric Technology, DTU, Ea Energy Analyses carried out a research project on the potentials for using frequency controlled demand as reserves in the electricity..

30 September 2008


The future Danish energy system

In 2003, the Danish Board of Technology initiated two energy projects: “Energy as Growth Area” and “When the Cheap Oil Runs Out”. The results of both of these..

30 September 2007


Energy savings in district heating areas - possibilities and costs

On behalf of the Danish District Heating Association, Ea Energy Analyses has analysed the possibilities of realising energy savings in connection with district heating networks. A special challenge is..

31 May 2006