National level grid planners in China and in Europe (ENTSO-E) have similar tasks in developing coordinated grid planning across a very large system, consisting of sub-systems. The overall objective of the project was to demonstrate the European or ENTSO-E methodology of transmission planning for the Chinese case.
The project drew on existing scenarios and modelling frameworks for China and Europe, with emphasis on market modelling and CBA in grid planning processes. This was to showcase the critical linkage between grid planning and power market reform.
The project was part of the EU-China Energy Cooperation Platform (ECECP). It was financed by EU.
Ea Energy Analyses was project leader. The Chinese project participants were SGERI (State Grid Energy Research Institute), CEC (China Electricity Council) and ERI/CNREC (Energy Research Institute/China National Renewable Centre).
The project ran from July 2019 to February 2022. The project report can be downloaded on this page. It can also be found as an e-book here and here.
Find information about one of our projects in Türkiye here.