
Ea Energy Analyses has been engaged in Chinese energy sector analyses since 2009. Focus has been on wind power integration and energy system modelling

On going

The list of projects below illustrates the types of projects we are working on.

Framework contracts on energy analyses

As a part of a consortium with COWI, Viegand Maagøe and the Technical University of Denmark, Ea Energy Analyses is contributing with analyses for projects within five framework..

31 December 2024

Completed projects

The list of projects below illustrates the types of projects we have been working on.


Energy security in the context of energy transition – Lessons and Challenges within Europe and China

With the adoption of the Paris Agreement in 2015, world leaders emphasised the need to limit global warming to 1.5°C by the end of the century to curb..

30 November 2023

Coordinated modelling and planning of net-zero carbon infrastructure

China aims to peak their carbon emissions by 2030, and to reach carbon neutrality by 2060. To achieve this, a transformation of energy infrastructure, planning and regulation is..

30 November 2023


CETO Special report for COP27

At the COP27 (United Nations Climate Change Conference) in Sharm El-Sheik, a special report by the Energy Research Institute of Chinese Academy of Macroeconomic Research was launched. Ea..

18 November 2022

ENTSO-E grid planning modelling showcase for China

National level grid planners in China and in Europe (ENTSO-E) have similar tasks in developing coordinated grid planning across a very large system, consisting of sub-systems. The overall objective of the project..

28 February 2022

Energy Country Programs and Projects, ECPP

Under the auspices of the ‘Energy Country Program and Project’, the Danish Energy Agency provides technical assistance combined with policy dialogue in promotion of renewable energy, energy efficiency,..

31 December 2022


Power to X in the Chinese energy system

For the China Energy Transformation Outlook 2021 (CETO2021), which is a study presenting pathways for China to reach their climate targets, Ea Energy Analyses has contributed to a..

31 December 2021

Power market reforms in China

Ea Energy Analyses has contributed to the NORAD sponsored programme “Power Market Reform Technical Cooperation with China”. Ea was part of a team that provided technical assistance and..

26 August 2021


Energy scenarios for Hainan Clean Energy Island

The Hainan Province in the South China Sea has a growing energy demand, and currently relies mainly on non-renewable energy sources. The Chinese government has chosen the region..

31 October 2020

Boosting Renewable Energy as part of China’s Energy Revolution

Boosting Renewable Energy as a part of China’s energy revolution was a strategic research project – a five-year program – sponsored by the Children’s Investment Fund Foundation (CIFF)...

31 December 2020


Co-firing biomass on large coal-fired power plants

Under the framework agreement with the Danish Energy Agency, this project gathered and transfered technical and regulatory experiences with co-combustion of solid biomass with coal in large utilities..

31 January 2019

Levelized cost of energy calculator - China

In 2015, Ea Energy Analyses developed a tool for estimating levelized cost of energy (LCoE) in collaboration with the Danish Energy Agency. The tool calculates the levelized cost..

31 May 2019


Case stories on power system flexibility

Due to the fast increase of variable renewable energy (VRE) in power systems, rising challenges on system flexibility are currently witnessed all over the world. China, with the..

30 September 2018

Power plant flexibility in China

Danish power plants are among the most flexible in the world, thereby assisting the integration of large shares of variable renewable power generation in the Danish power system...

29 June 2018

National Biomass Heat Supply Development Strategy for China

The project aimed to develop a biomass heat supply strategy for China. The project was funded by the Asian Development Bank (ADB) and was conducted in collaboration between..

31 August 2018


Power Consumption, Demand and Competition cooperation in China

The U.S. Department of State’s Bureau of Energy Resources (State/ENR), in coordination with the U.S. inter-agency, leads the Power Consumption, Demand and Competition cooperation under Electric Power Systems Initiative of..

31 December 2017


Coordinated operating mechanism for renewable energy

Since 2003, China has endeavoured to increase its production of renewable energy, resulting in the construction of a substantial number of wind and photovoltaic power plants. As a..

1 February 2016


REEEP - Ancillary services in China

Ea Energy Analyses and China Electric Power Research Institute (CEPRI) conducted a study on ancillary services and standardisation of grid connection for integrating renewable energy into smart grid..

31 December 2014

Renewable energy heating supply in the Shanxi province

A demonstration project was set up in ShanXi province, China that tried to maximise the contribution of wind power to satisfy regional district heating demand. A wind farm..

31 December 2014

System integration of wind power in North-East China

Ea Energy Analyses joined a project analysing the energy system in Harbin with the purpose of detecting, investigating, and presenting possible institutional solutions, concepts and technologies for integrating..

31 December 2014


Chinese schemes for energy efficiency and carbon reductions

The Government of China planned to pilot a scheme with energy efficiency certificates. The aim was to achieve 16% reduction in energy intensity cost-effectively during the 12th Five-Year..

31 August 2013

Scenarios for low carbon transition and RE development in China

In cooperation with China National Renewable Energy Centre (CNREC), the Japanese National Institute of Environmental Studies, and the Danish Energy Agency, Ea Energy Analyses developed energy scenarios for..

31 July 2013


Model development and scenario analysis support

The project objective was to support the China National Renewable Energy Centre’s (CNREC) development of the CREAM-EDO model and to partake in the development of scenarios analysis using the..

31 December 2012


China: Balmorel energy modelling training seminars

In March 2011, Ea Energy Analyses conducted a series of training seminars regarding energy modelling using the Balmorel model for the State Grid Energy Research Institute (SGERI) and..

31 March 2011


China: Integration of wind power

Ea Energy Analyses and have assisted Vestas and the Chinese State Grid Energy Research Institute with a project on integration of wind power in the Chinese energy..

31 December 2010


Review of Danish-Chinese wind energy development programme

In 2005 Chinese-Danish cooperation within the energy sector led to the launch of the Wind Energy Development (WED) Programme. Implementation of the programme started in April 2006 and..

4 January 2009