The analyses in this project contributed to the foundation of the formulation and implementation of a strategy for thermal gasification. The project comprised work package 2 in a EUDP project managed by The Partnership for Thermal Gasification (Partnerskabet for Termisk Forgasning) which ran from August 2014 to July 2017.
The aim of the project was to investigate the long-term perspectives for thermal gasification in the future RES-dominated energy system, and how to best integrate thermal gasification in the energy supply. The main focus of the project was to investigate the following questions:
As part of the project, the optimisation model Balmorel was further developed to be able to optimise the integrated district heating, electricity and gas system. The model was used to identify which composition of technologies and fuels delivered the most cost effective energy system. A wide range of scenarios for 2050 were developed with varying conditions such as new fuel prices, CO2 prices, electricity prices, technology costs, etc.
The project ran from January 2016 to January 2017.
Find information about one of our projects in Türkiye here.