Biomass plan for the municipality of Favrskov

Denmark | April 2012 - August 2014

Ea Energy Analyses has carried out a plan to increase production and use of biomass for the municipality of Favrskov. The focus was on existing types of biomass nearby. The project followed up on the municipality’s climate plan from the spring of 2012.
The purpose of the project was to develop recommendations regarding the production, converting and marketing of known and new biomasses, e.g. wood and straw for heating and in CHP plants, manure for biogas, energy crops, domestic waste, industrial waste etc.
The task was divided into three main parts:

  • Part one consisted of a resource assessment addressing the resource potential of the municipality, the benefit of using this potential, along with the environmental consequences . The focus was on the potentials to strengthen the role of agriculture and forestry as suppliers of energy.
  • Part two comprised an application analysis dealing with marketing and the technical use of biomass in e.g. district heating stations, industry and for individual heating.
  • Part three was a concrete action plan for biomass for the municipality.

 As a part of the project, a stakeholder workshop was carried out in the autumn of 2012 with participation of local actors in the production and use of biomass for energy. The workshop was held to provide ideas and input for further work in the project.