The list of projects below illustrates the types of projects we have been working on.
Building on the work in the previous Nordic Clean Energy Scenarios from 2021, this project aimed to give a comprehensive overview of clean energy progress across Denmark, Finland,..
In 2003, the EU passed a reform of the electricity market design, which includes, among other things, rules for support for fossil free electricity production by using two-way..
In Sweden, the high power prices stirred a contrafactual discussion focusing on the hypothetical impact on the electricity prices if all the reactors at Ringhals nuclear power plant..
The crisis in Ukraine has had unprecedented effects on European energy markets. At the time of their invasion of Ukraine, Russia covered approximately 40% of the European gas..
IVL Swedish Environmental Institute has developed a model called Tidstegen for analysis of energy consumption in buildings and to calculate the climate effects of changing the consumption. The..
Ea Energy Analyses has mapped the challenges in the Southern Swedish electricity grid as they appear today, along with the development that has taken place in the last..
Ea Energy Analyses has assisted Swedish research institute Energiforsk on an analysis of the system costs of various energy technologies. The analysis has given input to an update..
The Nordic Clean Energy Scenarios project identified technological solutions and developed energy scenarios on how the Nordic energy sector can achieve carbon neutrality and how this implicates various..
The five Nordic countries – Denmark, Finland, Iceland, Norway and Sweden – have some of the most ambitious energy and climate policies in the world. Despite this, achieving..
Under the framework agreement with the Danish Energy Agency, this project gathered and transfered technical and regulatory experiences with co-combustion of solid biomass with coal in large utilities..
On behalf of the Faroese power company SEV, the project undertook a number of analyses of the Faroese electricity system. The project outlined economic paths for reaching a..
Baltic Energy Technology Perspectives (BENTE) is a research collaboration between the leading research institutions from the Baltic countries, the Nordic research team and the Nordic Energy Research. The..
The Nordic countries are committed to reducing CO2 and local emissions, and to creating a greener transport system. Emerging digitalised mobility solutions, such as multimodal Mobility as a Service..
Using the electricity market model Balmorel, Ea Energy Analyses assisted Skellefteå Kraft (Swedish power company) with a long-term forecast of spot market prices and capture prices for selected..
Article 8 of the of the Energy Efficiency Directive (2012/27/EU) concerns energy audits and energy management systems. Ea Energy Analyses assisted Elkjøp Nordic in mapping the regulatory framework and supporting mechanism..
Nordic Energy Technology Perspectives 2016 (NETP2016) was a research collaboration between the international energy agency IEA, seven leading research institutions from the Nordic countries and Nordic Energy Research...
Do current electricity market designs ensure a sufficient electricity supply at all times? This topic is currently the subject of intense debate across Europe, and several major countries..
The conference on “The role of Nordic municipalities and regions in the green transition” took place the 10-11 November in Copenhagen. The aim was to showcase the possibilities..
Vattenfall decided to close Ringhals unit 1 and 2 by 2025, earlier than previously planned. Instead, the shutdown of 1.5GW capacity occured in 2019 and 2020. Ea Energy..
Ea Energy Analyses, in collaboration with DTU Management Engineering Systems Analysis division, participated in the joint project of Agora Energiewende and Global Utmaning concerning the integration of Nordic..
Ea Energy Analyses has carried out an investigation of future willingness-to-pay (WTP) for biomethane certificates in Denmark. The investigation is based on a general analysis of voluntary willingness..
On behalf of the Nordic Council of Ministers’ Electricity Market Group, Ea Energy Analyses, in collaboration with Hagman Energy AB, has conducted an assessment of common issues and..
Ea Energy Analyses has assisted IEA and Nordic Energy Research in preparing the publication, ”Nordic Energy Technology Perspectives 2012”. The Nordic energy systems are facing a number of..
In January 2011 Ea Energy Analyses completed a project on CO2 emissions from passenger vehicles carried out for the Danish Petroleum Association and Norsk Petroleumsinstitutt. The analyses mainly focused..
On behalf of Norsk Petroleumsinstitutt, Ea Energy Analyses has carried out an analysis of the possible development of energy consumption and CO2 emissions in the Norwegian transport sector..
An analysis performed by Ea Energy Analyses for DONG Energy and Vestas Wind Systems showed how the development of the energy supply in Denmark and the neighbouring regions..
Nordvind is a project under the Nordic Council of Ministers’ Working Group for Renewable Energy. The Nordvind working group comprises representatives of the authorities in Sweden, Norway, Finland..
Ea Energy Analyses was the secretariat for a project aiming to establish a showcase for renewable energy in the Nordic countries. The Nordic renewable energy showcase is a project under the..
In 2006 and 2007, Ea Energy Analyses was the secretariat to the Nordic Task Force for Renewable Energy. The aim of this Task Force for the Nordic Council..
In this project, a report was prepared for the Nordic Electricity Market Group in the Nordic Council of Ministers. The report presents a number of quantitative analyses focusing..
Find information about one of our projects in Türkiye here.