District heating plays an important role in a future energy system with a large share of renewable energy. Today, the thermal production of combined heat and power ensures high energy efficiency in the production, while minimising primary energy consumption. In a future energy system with less thermal production and a larger share of renewable energy from fluctuating sources such as wind power, the heating sector is increasingly expected to deliver balance and energy storage services.
In Denmark, it is anticipated that district heating’s share of total heat consumption will continue to increase. At the same time, the production will mainly be based on renewable energy sources in the future. This creates a number of challenges, which need to be addressed in the existing heat planning.
In cooperation with the Danish District Heating Association, Ea has carried out projects focusing on the interaction between district heating and the electricity market under various framework conditions. In particular, these studies have focused on how district heating can contribute to achieving goals related to CO2 emission reductions, energy savings and renewable energy in the future energy system. We have assisted various heating companies in finding methods to reduce CO2 emissions, for example through the use of biomass and heat pumps.
Ea Energy Analyses undertook an analysis of the possible regulation models for the district heating sector, which examined advantages and disadvantages of the various regulation forms in relation to the challenges that the district heating sector is facing today. Ea Energy Analyses is also taking part in the development of a new RD&D strategy for the district heating sector.
To meet the ambitious Danish climate targets of reducing greenhouse gas emissions by 70% in 2030 and becoming climate neutral by 2050 at the latest, there needs to be a significant reduction in the use of fossil fuels for heating. It is the expectation that heat pump solutions, together with district heating, will play a crucial part. Heat pumps can potentially add flexibility to the energy system and contribute to integrating solar PV and wind power.
When considering space heating, a change to district heating or individual heat pumps are considered the primary solutions to replace the gas boilers still present in many homes.
Since 2007, Ea Energy Analyses has assisted the load dispatch unit (Varmelast.dk) in the greater Copenhagen area. Using Ea’s tool, the load dispatch unit daily generates plans for the production of heat in Copenhagen, taking into consideration the local distribution system.
The list of projects below illustrates the types of projects we are working on.
The district heating companies CTR, HOFOR and VEKS run a common load dispatch unit (Varmelast.dk), which takes care of the daily heat planning of operations and ensure that load..
In the FLEX_TES project a 70,000 m3 pit thermal energy storage (PTES) will be demonstrated in a new function as accumulation tank in a district heating system with..
The list of projects below illustrates the types of projects we have been working on.
Danish green think tank CONCITO published the report Optimeret biomasseanvendelse til el- og fjernvarmeproduktion mod 2040” in 2021, which shows that biomass usage for energy purposes will be..
Allerød Municipality has a goal of having a fossil free heat sector by 2035. As there is a number of areas in the municipality that are not covered..
Ea has developed a load dispatch IT tool, named “Varmelastværktøj”, with integration of the existing models and systems at ARC (waste disposal company in Copenhagen), as well as..
The heat production companies CTR, HOFOR, and VEKS are running the joint load dispatch unit Varmelast.dk, which takes care of the daily heat planning and ensures that the..
In an analysis for VEKS (the district heating company for the western suburban area of Copenhagen), Ea has mapped and looked at the framework for the development of..
In previous winters, the Danish TSO Energinet paid companies for the right to shut off or reduce their gas flow for a period of time, as a precaution..
In 2012, Copenhagen Municipality published the climate plan KBH 2025, which shows the direction for reductions of carbon emissions in Copenhagen, with a goal of having the city..
On behalf of the Danish Energy Agency, Ea Energy Analyses has mapped the total demand and supply of wood pellets to the Danish market in 2022. This is..
In March 2023 and 2024, Ea Energy Analyses taught a seminar for the Danish Utility Regulator, covering a number of themes on district heating. The purpose of the..
At a national level, the political ambition is to phase out gas for indoor space heating by 2035. Today, individual gas boilers cover almost 80% of the heating..
The municipalities of Hørsholm and Rudersdal have, along with the neighbouring municipalities of Fredensborg and Helsingør, participated in a project with a goal of a fossil free heating..
Ea Energy Analyses has carried out an analysis of how an accelerated phase-out of gas for space heating can happen. A change to district heating or individual heat..
In 2012, Copenhagen Municipality published the climate plan “KBH 2025”, showing the path to reduction of carbon emissions in Copenhagen with the target that the city should be..
In the project Scenario analyses for the future supply of district heating in the capital area (FFH50) analyses of a series of scenarios on the development of the..
Under the auspices of the ‘Energy Country Program and Project’, the Danish Energy Agency provides technical assistance combined with policy dialogue in promotion of renewable energy, energy efficiency,..
To reach the ambitious Danish climate targets of reducing greenhouse gas emissions by 70% in 2030 and become climate neutral by 2050 at the latest, there needs to..
The board of Rønne Varme (district heating company in Rønne) has initiated a strategy process with the aim of pointing to the future of the district heating production..
Fredensborg Municipality has a target of having a fossil free electricity and heat supply by 2035 at the latest. This will mean decommissioning approximately 7500 individual natural gas..
Since the 1990ies, a large part of the Danish electricity and heat production has been transitioned away from coal, especially to biomass and natural gas. In recent years,..
Ea Energy Analyses has made a projection of electricity market prices towards 2050 for the DK1 bidding zone (Western Denmark) for AffaldVarmeAarhus (Danish waste, recycling, and heating company)...
District heating company Lolland Varme, which supplies heat for about 5500 customers on West and Midlolland, currently has their district heating production based primarily on biomass. This project..
The project “Future district heating supply in the capital area 2050” (FFH50) is carried out by the supply companies CTR, HOFOR, VEKS and Vestforbrænding. In the project, scenarios..
As a part of the project “The future supply of district heating in the capital area 2050” (FFH50), Ea Energy Analyses has done calculations on scenarios for the..
Ea Energy Analyses has assisted the climate partnership for the energy and supply sector with an analysis of several initiatives for reducing greenhouse gas emissions in Denmark towards..
This project was about setting up a heat pump system connected to a future data centre in Høje Taastrup. The heat pump would be using surplus heat generated..
During 2018 and 2019, Ea Energy Analyses assisted Helsingør Municipality in developing an action and climate plan for the municipality towards 2030, based on a wish for a..
With the expiry of the economic support by the end of 2018, many district heating plants in Denmark experienced a significant price increase, unless other initiatives were taken..
In the project “Energy Supply 2030”, Ea Energy Analyses supported the think tank Grøn Energi in the use of the Balmorel model for various analyses of investments in..
Electrification is increasingly seen as a crucial prerequisite for achieving the Danish climate ambitions of at least 55% renewable energy in 2030 and independence of fossil fuels in..
The five Nordic countries – Denmark, Finland, Iceland, Norway and Sweden – have some of the most ambitious energy and climate policies in the world. Despite this, achieving..
In Denmark, the production of district heating is split between more than 400 distribution companies that deliver district heating to around 64% of Danish households. The government wishes..
Fjernvarme Fyn has prepared a scenario analysis for phasing out coal on block 7 at Fynsværket power plant in Odense. Ea Energy Analyses contributed with scenario calculations for..
As a consequence of the Energy Agreement of 2018 and the government’s strategy of supply, the Danish Energy Agency (DEA) has carried out a series of analyses on..
As a consequence of the Danish government’s energy agreement from June 2018, the Danish Energy Agency (DEA) carried out a wide-ranging analysis of the consequences of changes to..
Ea Energy Analyses has aided Egedal Municipality in developing a strategic energy plan. Ea specifically helped with analysing the economics of district heating development compared to individual solutions..
In this project, Ea Energy Analyses supported Energinet in updating the methodology/guidance in the technology catalogue for individual heating, ‘Technology Data for Individual Heating Installations’. The technology catalogue..
The distribution of district heating in the Odense area is today mainly based on heat production from four production units. One of these is Blok 7 at Fynsværket,..
Ea Energy Analyses did an analysis for The Danish Council on Climate Change on how future goals for renewable energy can be met at lowest cost. The study..
Urban planners are more and more involved in minimising the energy and climate impact of the municipal development. The objective of this project was to develop an open..
In 2015 the Capital Region of Denmark and the municipalities in the region agreed on a joint energy vision, with focus on phasing out fossil fuels in the..
Ea Energy Analyses carried out an analysis of the competition in the district heating sector for the Danish Energy Agency, in cooperation with Deloitte and Konveks. The analysis..
The World Bank financed a development project aimed at assisting the authorities in Kosovo in developing their energy sector. As a part of this project, and in cooperation..
Denmark has a goal of 100% sustainable energy in 2050, and district heating can play an important part in meeting this goal. The report “Energiforsyning 2030” (energy supply..
In corporation with the Geothermal Company of the Danish District Heating Association and COWI, Ea Energy Analyses carried out a project analysing the potential for exploiting geothermal heat..
Many municipalities in Region Zealand and The Capital Region of Denmark work with strategic energy planning and since the energy systems in the municipalities are closely related, there..
The district heating system in Odense is the third largest in Denmark and is today supplied with heat from different sources. Fynsværket CHP delivers district heating with one..
Heat Plan Greater Copenhagen 3 showed that an increase in the heating storage capacity would be both technically and economically sound. Presently, the district heating system of the..
The heating companies in Copenhagen, CTR, HOFOR and VEKS has carried out the third phase of Heat Plan Greater Copenhagen. During the project the development of the heating..
In cooperation with Law Firm GLIMSTEDT Bernotas & Partners, Ea Energy Analyses was developing and implementing a set of terms and conditions of use of heat transmission networks..
It was decided to conduct a series of analyses of the Danish energy sector, as a part of the political agreement on Danish Energy Policy towards 2020 from..
Ea Energy Analyses has been assessing the future heat production for the owner municipalities of TVIS, Vejle, Fredericia, Middelfart and Kolding. This includes an investigation of options for..
As part of their planning, Copenhagen Energy (now HOFOR) is undertaking socio-economic and environmental assessments of various supply alternatives. This, among other things, applies to evaluation of new..
VEKS took over Køge CHP Plant from DONG Energy on 1st of May 2012. The plant consists of two units, KKV7 and KKV8. KKV7 has been out of..
On February 4, 2011, Ea Energy Analyses hosted a workshop for a number of governmental bodies and industry players in the field of district heating. Discussions focused on..
In cooperation with Copenhagen Energy (now HOFOR), COWI and Ea Energy Analyses have investigated the value of establishing a large heat storage in the northern part of Copenhagen..
The three major heating companies in Copenhagen, VEKS, Copenhagen Energy (now HOFOR) and the Metropolitan Copenhagen Heating Transmission company (known as CTR), has completed a common project, Heat..
In the autumn of 2010, Copenhagen Energy (now HOFOR) initiated an analysis of the possibilities of establishing a CHP plant to replace heat production from old heat production..
In February 2011, representatives from the district heating sector, the electricity sector, regulators and consultants gathered to discuss challenges for the district heating sector and future regulation in..
Ea Energy Analyses and COWI in cooperation with Copenhagen Energy (now HOFOR) have carried out an analysis of the value of large heat pumps in interaction with wind..
Together with Danish Development Center for District Energy, Aalborg University and Ramboll, Ea Energy Analyses has been taking part in a projects aiming to draw up a new..
The City of Aarhus wants to achieve carbon neutrality by 2030. The district heating in Aarhus accounts for 18 per cent of the aggregated CO2 emissions and the..
CTR, the Metropolitan Copenhagen Heating Transmission Company, has commissioned Ea Energy Analyses to make an assessment of the technical opportunities and the economic costs of reducing carbon emissions..
In April 2008, the heating companies VEKS, Copenhagen Energy (now HOFOR) and the Metropolitan Copenhagen Heating Transmission company (known as CTR) initiated a project aimed at drawing up..
On behalf of the Danish District Heating Association, Ea Energy Analyses has analysed the possibilities of realising energy savings in connection with district heating networks. A special challenge is..
Ea Energy Analyses has made a study of the future of district heating in the Greater Copenhagen area, including the use of waste, biomass and geothermal energy for heat..
Find information about one of our projects in Türkiye here.