The list of projects below illustrates the types of projects we are working on.
Rapid development of wind and solar power as well as the increasing power demand for electrification are central elements in the EU Commission’s visions for a 55% reduction..
IEA Bioenergy is an organisation working to promote cooperation and information exchange on bioenergy research between member countries. The work is divided into different tasks, each covering a..
As a part of a consortium with COWI, Viegand Maagøe and the Technical University of Denmark, Ea Energy Analyses is contributing with analyses for projects within five framework..
Task 32 is an international forum under the IEA Bioenergy Technology Collaboration Programme for knowledge sharing and discussion of the developments in combustion and co-firing with biomass. Representatives..
The list of projects below illustrates the types of projects we have been working on.
As part of Ireland’s Climate Action Plan, the country has ambitions of deploying at least 7 GW offshore wind capacity by 2030, with 2 GW earmarked for green..
With the adoption of the Paris Agreement in 2015, world leaders emphasised the need to limit global warming to 1.5°C by the end of the century to curb..
Ea Energy Analyses prepared a study for Danfoss to examine the impact of demand-side flexibility in the future European power system. A long-term analysis was conducted for 2025,..
Under the auspices of the ‘Energy Country Program and Project’, the Danish Energy Agency provides technical assistance combined with policy dialogue in promotion of renewable energy, energy efficiency,..
In December 2020, the EU agreed on increasing the ambitions for reduction of the total greenhouse gas emissions in the EU, so that the target is now a..
Ea Energy Analyses was part of the Danish participation in the IEA Wind Task 36 Forecasting for Wind Power. Forecasting is a key technology to make the energy transition..
The AFI directive (AFI stands for “alternative fuels infrastructure”) was passed in the EU in 2014. As a result of this, the member states must send in documentation..
On behalf of Ørsted, Ea Energy Analyses has carried out a study on synergies between substantial offshore wind power buildout and the increasing need for a transmission grid..
Ea Energy Analyses was appointed as the Danish country representative for IEA Bioenergy Task 33 – Thermal gasification of Biomass and Waste for the three-year period 2016-2018. IEA..
In a recent report for the European Commission, Ea Energy Analyses investigated the potential for offshore wind in the Baltic Sea together with COWI and Thema Consulting group..
IEA Bioenergy Task 33 is an international forum to discuss and share knowledge on thermal gasification of biomass and waste, where representatives from Austria, Italy, Germany, Norway, Sweden,..
Litgrid AB is currently planning to synchronize with continental Europe and has several other large projects underway, related to the expansion and integration of renewable electricity. On this..
The EU has a number of collective environmental targets for the years 2030 and 2050. If these targets are to be reached, and particularly if they are to..
Ea Energy Analyses participated in the project CA-RES II, Concerted Action on the Renewable Energy Sources Directive, for the Danish Energy Agency. The project aimed at strengthening the implementation..
Within the program ”Forsøgsordning for elbiler” funded by the Danish Energy Agency, Ea Energy Analyses has carried out a project on ‘International incentives and measures to promote electric..
In this project, Ea Energy Analyses has explored several initiatives to integrate wind power such as heat pumps, immersion heaters, and an electric connection between Denmark and England..
The Nordic Council of Ministers’ Working Group for Renewable Energy (AGFE) commissioned Ea Energy Analyses to arrange a seminar aimed at discussing the development aspects of European and..
Article 7 of the EU Energy Efficiency Directive of 2012 requires that all EU Member States achieve certain amount of final energy savings over the period 01 January..
On behalf of a private sector client, Ea Energy Analyses undertook an investigation of the potential technical, economic, regulatory, political and environmental challenges associated with shale gas extraction..
In collaboration with several other energy actors, Ea Energy Analyses has developed and published barometers that measure the progress made by renewable energies in each sector and in each..
Together with the Danish Energy Agency, Ea Energy Analyses participated in the project CA-RES, Concerted Action on the Renewable Energy Sources Directive. The project CA-RES (I) was extended to CA-RES..
Ea Energy Analyses has been assisting Elering – the Estonian system operator – to identify and provide quantified analysis of long-term energy scenarios for Estonia in the context..
On behalf of Toyota Motor Europe, Ea Energy Analyses has investigated potential drivetrain technology scenarios that can be expected up to 2050 for personal vehicles within the EU...
On behalf of the organisation, Climate Strategies, Ea Energy Analyses has prepared a background paper providing an Overview of EU Climate and Energy Policies. The paper describes the..
`A Nordic view on EU Energy Efficiency targets´ was a project for the Nordic Council of Ministers Working Group for Energy Efficiency (AGEE), carried out by the Swedish..
In 2010, Ea Energy Analyses made an assessment for waste denmark and RenoSam of the advantages and drawbacks of including the Danish waste incineration sector in the EU’s..
Energy and transport regulation is still to a large extent a national issue, for example taxation of cars (EVs and traditional cars) and support schemes for electricity supply..
Ea Energy Analyses has assessed the framework conditions for Danish waste incineration plants compared with selected countries within the European Union. The purpose of the project is to..
Ea Energy Analyses carried out an analysis of the markets for selected biomass resources and evaluated the consequences of the market development for utilisation on a local level..
Ea Energy Analyses has carried out supply chain analyses of selected biomass resources and evaluated the possibilities of increased production and utilisation of biomass in the municipalities of..
The Danish Board of Technology, in cooperation with Risø DTU and Ea Energy Analyses, has completed a project on future European energy systems for the European Parliament. The project..
The study shows that allocation to new entrants in the electricity market the way that it is currently practised in the ETS will distort the market and have..
In the first half of 2006, Ea Energy Analyses was the Interim Operating Agent for IEA’s Implementing Agreement on Renewable Energy Technology Deployment. The aim of the RETD..
Find information about one of our projects in Türkiye here.