The list of publications below illustrates the types of publications we are working on.
Report published by Nordic Energy Research. Ea co-authored the report.
Report made by Ea Energy Analyses for CIP Fonden.
Ea Energy Analyses has modelled green development of the energy sector
towards 2050 in Europe. The cost - or value - of such development has been
Report on the use of biomass and the potential for CCS in the heat and power sector.
Ea took part in developing this urgent technology catalogue for the Ukrainian energy sector, in order to determine which types of technology are important for increasing the electricity generation in the winter period of 2023/2024 and 2024/2025.
Screening of the potential for solar and wind energy in Lejre Municipality
Together with AARC Ltd, Ea has made this report with recommendations for an Irish hybrid interconnector policy
Signed account for 2023
Background report made by Ea for the project "Green electricity supply in the future" carried out by Green Power Denmark.
Report (in Danish) with scenario calculations carried out by Ea for environmental organisation Green Transition Denmark, The calculations was used in their report "Ren energi inden for planetære grænser i 2040" (clean energy within the planetary boundaries by 2040).
Report made for Samsø Municipality on prospects for pyrolysis on the island.
Presentation given at the IEA Bioenergy/BBEST 2024 conference in São Paulo.
Scenarios focusing on biogas production in Denmark from manure and hay.
Newsletter on Task 32 activities, published March 2023. In Danish.
The report has been made by Ea Energy Analyses for the Greenlandic
Departementet for Landbrug, Selvforsyning, Energi og Miljø.
The report was developed by Ea Energy Analyses for Departementet for Landbrug, Selvforsyning, Energi og Miljø (the Greenlandic department for agriculture, self-sufficiency, energy, and environment).
The analysis is divided into two reports: a main report summarising the main points, and an extended report (this one), which goes in dept with the themes.
Catalogue of alternative solutions to heating with fossil fuels in areas in Rudersdal and Hørsholm Municipalities where district heating will not be possible in the near future.
Report made for the DK2020 partnership
Danish newsletter on Task 32 activities. Published September 2023.
Report made for the DK2020 partnership by Ea Energy Analyses in cooperation with CONCITO
Report prepared by Ea Energy Analyses for Danfoss.
Report co-authored by Ea Energy Analyses, together with the Energy Research Institute of the Chinese Academy of Macroeconomic Research, SGERI, CEC, and ECECP.
A look into the Danish wood pellet marked in 2022. Carried out by Ea Energy Analyses for the Danish Energy Agency.
Presentation from the launch event of the NTB Masterplan report on 7/12/2023.
Report prepared by the Danish Energy Agency (DEA), Ea Energy Analyses
and Dinas ESDM Provinsi NTB, in close collaboration with the Embassy of Denmark in Indonesia, PLN UIW NTB, Bappeda Provinsi NTB and Universitas Mataram.
Report prepared for the EU-China Energy Cooperation Platform
Newsletter on the recent activities in Task 40 for Danish actors and stakeholders.
Signed account for 2022
Report published as a part of INDEP (Indo-Danish Energy Partnership Programme)
English translation of selected parts of the report "Optimeret biomasseanvendelse til el- og fjernvarmeproduktion mod 2040" made for Concito in 2021.
Handout prepared for talk on biomass usage in March 2022.
Signed account for 2021
Newsletter on the recent activities in Task 40 for Danish actors and stakeholders.
Analysis of the historical Market Value of Wind in Europe. Prepared by Ea Energy Analyses for IEA Wind Task 26
Report prepared by Ea Energy Analyses for IEA Wind TCP
Report made for Green Transition Denmark (Danish NGO)
Article by Hans Henrik Lindboe and Anders Kofoed-Wiuff.
An analysis done with Ea's electricity market model surpricingly shows that the 27 EU countries and the UK by a coordinated effort can be free of Russian gas in only a year's time.
Presentation from a meeting in April 2022 with NEPP (North European Energy Perspectives Project - a multi-disciplinary research project on the development of the energy systems in Sweden, the Nordic countries and Europe) on how the war in Ukraine will affect the Nordic energy market in the coming years.
Viet Nam Energy Outlook Report 2021 is a publication prepared by the Electricity and Renewable Energy Authority in Viet Nam (EREA) under the Ministry of Industry and Trade (MOIT) together with the Danish Energy Agency (DEA) and supported by the Danish Embassy in Ha Noi. Institute of Energy, Hanoi University of Science and Technology, Electric Power University, Ea Energy Analyses, Energy Modelling Lab and E4SMA has contributed to the work incl. operating the models.
The report was made by the Energy Research Institute of Chinese Academy of Macroeconomic Research, the Danish Energy Agency, Ea Energy Analyses, Center on Global Energy Policy at Columbia University (SIPA), Norwegian Agency for Development Cooperation, and Refinitiv
The report was made by the Energy Research Institute of Chinese Academy of Macroeconomic Research, with support from the Danish Energy Agency, Ea Energy Analyses, Center on Global Energy Policy at Columbia University (SIPA), and NORAD
Brief made for the Danish Radio Broadcast (DR) addressing whether a change in framework influences the grounds for decision making for the planned gas line to Lolland.
This report, made by the IEA Bioenergy Task 32, compiles national approaches concerning emission reduction strategies in the field of residential wood combustion in selected IEA-member countries.
Ea, as the Danish country representative, contributed to the report.
Summary of the main report "Inventory of national strategies for reducing the impact on air quality from residential wood combustion". This report, made by the IEA Bioenergy Task 32, compiles national approaches concerning emission reduction strategies in the field of residential wood combustion in selected IEA-member countries.
Ea, as the Danish country representative, contributed to the report.
The Outlook has been developed as a part of the Ethiopian-Danish Government-to-Government Cooperation.
The Outlook has been designed and executed in close collaboration with the Ministry of Water and Energy of Ethiopia (MOWE), the Ethiopian Electricity Power (EEP), Energinet (the Danish Transmission System Operator), the Danish Energy Agency, Ea Energy Analyses and the Royal Danish Embassy in Ethiopia.
The Ethiopian Technology Catalogue builds on the approach of The Danish Technology Catalogue which has been developed by the Danish Energy Agency and Energinet for many years in an open process with six stakeholders. The Ethiopian Technology Catalogue is inspired by a series of previously-conceived technology catalogues such as the Indonesian and the Vietnamese Technology Catalogues, published in 2017 and 2019 respectively. Furthermore, other relevant publications from the IEA and IRENA have been used as international references. The text and data have been edited based on Ethiopian cases to represent local conditions.
The current edition has been developed in close collaboration between MoWIE, EEP, the Danish Energy Agency and Ea Energy Analyses.
In this report, climate action plans are mapped for 20 municipalities participating in the DK2020 project.
Report published by the Energy Research Institute of Chinese Academy of Macroeconomic Research. Ea co-authored the report.
An analysis of alternatives to biomass in the electricity and heat supply.
The analysis was carried out for Dansk Energi and Dansk Fjernvarme
Catalogue for generation and storage of electricity. Update of the 2017 Indonesian technology catalogue
Published with support from the Danish Energy Agency, Energinet and Ea Energy Analyses
Several biomass CHPs are now also looking into opportunities from bio-CCUS, one of them being HOFOR in Copenhagen, Denmark. While HOFOR is fairly confident about the technological readiness of the CO2 capture component of deploying bio-CCUS at its Amager facility, there are still questions regarding whether the captured CO2 should be sequestered or used as raw material for e.g., synthetic aviation fuels. Developing business models and getting strong long-term policy signals will be key for project deployment.
Drax Power Station in North Yorkshire in England is the world’s largest generator of bioelectricity. Its parent company, Drax Group plc has a stated ambition to become a carbon-negative company by 2030, and are in the process of investigating and piloting the setup of a bio-CCS value chain. Drax do not see any major technological obstacles to full-scale deployment of the CO2 capture phase, but several building blocks remain that need to come into place for the full value chain to be deployed. Key among these are transport & storage infrastructure and public policy that incentivizes companies to produce negative emissions.
Fortum Oslo Varme (FOV) is planning to deploy CCS at its waste-to-energy facility in Oslo. The facility is Oslo’s largest single source of GHG emissions and it is imperative to address these to meet the city’s ambition to reduce its GHG emissions by 95% in the period 2009-2030.
The second EAPP power balance statement, covering the years
Signed account for 2020
Technology data input for power system modelling in Viet Nam. Updated version of the catalogue from 2019.
Analysis prepared by Ea for the Confederation of Danish Industry
Report prepared by Ea Energy Analyses for Concito
The Chinese Energy Research Institute (ERI) is responsible for the report, which is the result of a cooperation between ERI, the Center for Global Energy Policy at Columbia University, the Danish Energy Agency, and other partners. Ea Energy Analyses has contributed to this work, including supporting the power sector modelling.
Assessment of wind, ground-mounted PV and floating PV projects. Report prepared by the Danish Energy Agency, Viegand Maagøe and Ea Energy Analyses
Analysis of solar PV, biogas and biomass projects. Report prepared by the Danish Energy Agency, Viegand Maagøe, and Ea Energy Analyses
The socioeconomic potential of active energy efficiency measures in Danish buildings. Main report.
The report provides a short overview of the current power supply in Skåne and SE4 building on public sources and data.
Report made by Ea Energy Analyses for the Danish Energy Agency
Report by ECECP with contributions from Ea Energy Analyses
Executive summary for the CETO2021 report. Ea Energy Analyses has contributed to the chapter on Power to X.
Report prepared for the IEA Wind Task 36 by Ea Energy Analyses
Developed together with PlanEnergi as a part of the project "The future supply of district heating in the capital area 2050" (Fremtidens fjernvarmeforsyning i hovedstadsområdet 2050 - FFH50)
The brief describes the supplemental analyses of heat storage and the need for investments in expanding the district heating network.
For the FFH50 project, three analyses has been developed with focus on the customers of the future in the capital area.
Activities in Task 40 from June 2020 to January 2021
A report for the IEA Bioenergy Inter-task project on industrial process heat
Newsletter on Task 32 activities, published in April 2021. In Danish.
Newsletter on the activities of Task 32, published in November 2021. In Danish.
On behalf of Ørsted, Ea Energy Analyses has carried out an analysis of the synergies between a considerable extension of offshore wind parks and the rising need for transmission networks supporting a European energy system free of fossil fuels.
Prepared for the Nordic Energy Research together with Gaia Group
Signed account
Deplyment on biomass based value chains. Newsletter June 2020
An outlook on services and market opportunities in the Danish and international electricity markets
Slides from Task 40 webinar on June 16th 2020 - "Deployment of BECCS/U - technologies, supply chain setup & policy options"
IEA Bioenergy Task 40 report titled "Deployment of BECCS/U value chains"
The report "Roadmap for elektrificering i Danmark" was made by Ea Energy Analyses for Energifonden.
Report focusing on a strategy for phasing out natural gas for indoor heating
A brochure on the electricity price forecasts offered by Ea Energy Analyses
Report prepared by Ea Energy Analyses for the Danish Energy Agency
Slides from a panel debate on the topic of Danish experiences in liberalising and unbundling the power sector. The panel debate took place in September 2020.
A strategy for phasing out natural gas used for indoor heating in homes and the trade and service sectors.
A presentation on consumers' attitudes and approaches to replacing gas boilers
Report made for the Danish Energy Agency
Brief prepared for Dansk Energi
Report published by Tekniq Arbejdsgiverne, with contributions by Ea Energy Analyses
Report prepared by Ea Energy Analysis for KL, the Danish national association of municipalities.
Report prepared for TEKNIQ Arbejdsgiverne
Development towards the ProjectZero target in 2029 and the DK2020 target in 2050. Prepared by Planenergi and Ea Energianalyse
Analyses for use in Frederiksberg Municipality's DK2020 participation
Calculation of the total carbon displacement cost of the SkyClean technology. Final report in Danish.
Danish newsletter on research in bioenergy, hydrogen, and fuel cells, authored by Task 32 under IEA Bioenergy.
Danish newsletter on the activities of Task 32, published October 2020.
Prepared for the Nordic Energy Research together with Gaia Group
The first EAPP Power Balance Statement
IEA Bioenergy Task 33 Country Report 2019.
50 steps towards a carbon neutral Sonderborg
Analysis of the potential evolution of the Lombok power system. Prepared in collaboration with the Danish Energy Agency
Full report
Signed account
The report explores the potential development of the power system in the medium (2030) and long (2050) term.
Analyses of long term development (2050).
Analyses of long term development (2030 and 2050).
Analyses of long term development (2050)
The report was made as part of the GRIDSOL project
Rapport udviklet som en del af IEA Wind Task 26
Newsletter for Task 32 from December 2019, in Danish
Danish report made by Ea Energy Analyses for SYNERGI
Report developed by Ea Energy Analyses for Nord Stream 2 A/G.
Report produced by the Danish Energy Agency, with contributions from Ea Energy Analyses
Report prepared for TEKNIQ Arbejdsgiverne
An analysis carried out for the Danish Energy Agency
Technology data input for power system modelling in Viet Nam
The Vietnam Energy Outlook report for 2019 in Vietnamese
TIMES data report, a background report to the Vietnam Energy Outlook Report for 2019
Technical background report to the Vietnam Energy Outlook Report for 2019
Grid Modelling of the Vietnamese Power System - Background report to the Vietnam Energy Outlook Report 2019
Balmorel Data Report - Background to Vietnam Energy Outlook Report 2019
Fuel price projections - background to the Vietnam Energy Outlook Report 2019
A user guide for Balmorel
The project was funded by the Asian Development Bank (ADB)
Prepared for the EU Commission in collaboration with COWI and Thema Consulting group
Recommendations about development of demand response in Lithuania.
Published as part of the BENTE research cooperation
Signed account
An analysis of the options for sustainable supply for Nuuk.
Analysis of the value of power plant flexibility in a Chinese context.
Report prepared for Partnerskabet for Termisk Forgasning
Theme about thermal gasification
An assessment of the potential for contributions by buildings to flexibility in the electricity and heat systems. Made for the Danish Energy Agency in collaboration with SWECO
Report made for the Nordic Council of Ministers
Danish newsletter on research in biomass cofiring, published by Task 32 under IEA Bioenergy.
Technical background report to the Vietnam Rebewable Energy Outlook Report 2017.
- The project was carried out for the U.S. Department of State through Lawrence Berkeley National Laboratory.
A report on Danish experiences with wind integration in relation to tasks and challenges in Indonesia.
An analysis about a 30% CO2 reduction in EU road transport towards 2030, made for the Danish Ecological Council.
Written by Ea Energy Analyses and published by Task 32 under IEA Bioenergy.
Signed account
This report summaries the findings from work package 1 in a demand response services feasibility study undertaken in Lithuania.
An estimate of the land-based wind resource potential in Vietnam.
An analysis for Partnerskabet for termisk forgasning, which is supported by EUDP.
Vietnam Energy Outlook 2017, Ea Energy Analyses contributed to chapter 2
Chinese version of the report from a project carried out for the U.S. Department of State through Lawrence Berkeley National Laboratory.
It is investigated how accurate forward contracts are in terms of predicting the actual electricity prices in a given year.
Presentation by Mikael Togeby at the Wind Energy Workshop in Ethiopia, held on 13-14 April, 2016, in Addis Ababa.
Background report to the Mexican Renewable Energy Outlook, 2016, in English and Spanish.
Insights from long-term power system development
scenario study using the Balmorel model
Project was carried out in close cooperation with the DEA and the Indonesian national energy council.
An analysis of several initiatives to integrate wind power such as heat pumps, immersion heaters and an electric connection between Denmark and England called Viking Link.
Study for the Nordic Coucil of Ministers - Electricity Market Group
Signed account
Newsletter for Task 32, October 2016, in Danish
Rapport for Work Package 1 in the project "Strategy about system adequacy and reserve margin with increasing levels of variable generation"
Report for Work Package 2 in the project “Strategies about system adequacy and reserve margin with increasing level of variable generation”
Report for Work Package 3 in the project “Strategies about system adequacy and reserve margin with increasing level of variable generation”
A look at whether current electricity market designs ensure a sufficient electricity supply at all times
Report by Ea Energy Analyses in cooperation with Department of Wind Energy (lead) and the Department of Management Engineering, DTU.
An estimate of the use of firewood and the number of stoves, open fireplaces, mass stoves and log wood boilers in Danish homes and holiday homes.
Cities, flexibility and pathways to carbon-neutrality.
This Nordic ETP technology paper is the result of a collaborative effort between the International Energy Agency (IEA), Nordic Energy Research (NER), Risø DTU, Ea Energianalyse A/S, (EAEA), VTT Technical Research Centre of Finland (VTT), University of Iceland (UI), Institute For Energy Technology (IFE), Profu Ab (Profu) and IVL Swedish Environmental Research Institute (IVL).
With contributions from Lars Bregnbæk
With contributions from Lars Bregnbæk
Background report to the Mexican Renewable Energy Outlook, 2015, in Spanish.
Background report to the Mexican Renewable Energy Outlook, 2015, in English.
A review of the existing studies of the energy savings effects of feedback.
An overview of the expansion with renewables in Denmark, including the challenges and solutions in the development of the energy system.
Vehicle energy use and cost - Desciption of method
Fuel Cost - Production and infrastructure
Modelling and assessments of economic and climate effects of enhanced electrical interconnection and the additional deployment of renewable energies.
A Joint Working Group Report from the Concerted Actions for the Energy Efficiency Directive (EED), Renewable Energy Source (RES), Directive &
Energy Building Performance Directive (EPBD)
Scenario analysis for "Energi på Tværs"
Analysis of the future heat supply in Greater Copenhagen
Background brief for "Energi på tværs"
Brief on waste for "Energi på tværs"
Modelling and assessment of economic and climate effects of enhanced electrical interconnection and the additional deployment of renewable energies
Description of the methodology used in the Project Support Facility (PSF) for the Mexican-Danish climate change mitigation and energy program.
Report by the DEA
An analyses of how the increasing deployment of renewables will affect the demand for reinforcement and expansion of the electricity transmission grid in the Baltic Sea Region.
The study analyses the impact of different EU energy and climate policy measures on the electricity markets in the Nordic countries and Germany in 2030.
The report describes the key elements of a strategy plus a 10-year roadmap for an industrial energy efficiency policy framework in Egypt and an approach to developing these.
The report presents international practice of developing IEE policies and provides examples of approaches and instruments that can be implemented in Egypt within the next few years.
A brief presentation of the 14 partnership project prepared for use at COP21
Presentation of the program published by CNREC, december 2014
A review of experience with white (Energy Savings) and green (Renewable Energy) certificates trading and carbon cap and trade. The results are drawn from analysis of policies in UK, Italy, California, India and higher level assessment of policy at EU level. It also presents preliminary recommendations for policy approaches in China.
An analytical view on how to best plan and implement a successful Energy Efficiency Obligation (EEO) Scheme in Taiwan based on international experiences.
Report made for the Danish Energy Agency
Made by Ea Energy Analyses for Energi- og olieforum
Report made for Dansk Affaldsforening
End report for ForskEl
English summary from December 2014
Partial report on heat pump installations in Smart Grid
Appendix report for READY: VPP control from December 2014 (in Danish)
Evaluation and analysis of DSO options for congestion management in smart grids - WP2 Report 2
September 2014
Report in Danish
Analysis of adapting the capacity for waste incineration, conducted for the Danish Waste Association
The Report describes the methodological approach and data foundation for periodical updating of the fuel prices projection assumptions, as well as dealing with the integration of the latest projections from IEA World Energy Outlook and market developments since.
Update of add-ons to international forecast for projection of Danish prices at consumption
A study of which international incentives and measures that can be used to promote electric vehicles in Denmark. The study focused on the EU and the national incentives in the member states.
A study of biomass fuel prices for the DEA as part of the long-term projections and fuel prices for socio-economic analyses.
Presentation from Anders Kofoed-Wiuff at the conference on the 21st of January 2016
ECEEE paper about evaluation results
A look at the possible improvements in the development of a new electricity price overlook, as well as the options for organisation and operation in the future.
Main report from the research project “Electricity demand as frequency controlled reserve – Implementation and practical demonstration”, which was financed by the EUDP 89 programme
Report made as part of the Flexpower project
Appendix report on purchase strategies and experiences from other countries. March 2013,
- how to enhance regional energy cooperation in the Baltic Sea Region. Brief overview of the energy situation in the region. Two general scenarios for the energy and transport sectors that comply with the strategic energy and climate goals.
Analysis of under what circumstances the technology is commercially attractive to use.
A long-term national strategy and action plan for low-carbon development to enable Bhutan to fulfill its commitment of remaining carbon neutral.
An evaluation on whether the agreed framework and guidelines for the energy efficiency obligation are adequate and functioning properly.
Proposal for a strategic energy plan.
How heat pumps can deliver flexibility though well-designed markets and virtual power plant technology
- WP2 Report 1, November 2012
Results of a power system model of the South African electricity system.
Levelised costs of electricity since South Africa introduced a Feed-in-Tariff for renewable energies.
- A study of possible energy strategies for the Baltic Sea Region for 2020 and after.
- A study of possible energy strategies for the Baltic Sea Region for 2020 and after.
an energy mapping and modelling of the Cowichan Valley Regional District in Canada.
- an energy mapping and modelling of the Cowichan Valley Regional District in Canada.
- an energy mapping and modelling of the Cowichan Valley Regional District in Canada.
- an energy mapping and modelling of the Cowichan Valley Regional District in Canada.
- an energy mapping and modelling of the Cowichan Valley Regional District in Canada.
- an energy mapping and modelling of the Cowichan Valley Regional District in Canada.
- a background paper providing an Overview of EU Climate and Energy Policies.
- An analysis of the future requirements for flexibility in the energy system and possible means to cover this need for the municipality of Aarhus.
- Assessment of common issues and measures that can improve the Nordic electricity market, with particular focus on the end-user.
Report for the EDISON project (Electric vehicles in a Distributed and Integrated market using Sustainable energy and Open Networks)
- technical wind power capacity, how to deal with uncertainty about forecasting of the wind power production, additional system costs, role of the electricity market etc.
- how the development of the energy supply in Denmark and the neighbouring regions can become CO2-neutral towards 2050.
- market potential for biogas and biomass heat and power applications. Opportunities and barriers for development of such biomass markets locally and internationally.
- A paper that explores how changes in regulatory requirements for energy efficiency in buildings (in the US also known as building energy codes) affect household energy consumption. Presented at the ECEEE 2011 Summer Study - Energy efficiency first: The foundation of a low-carbon society, France, 6-11 June 2011
- possibilities of increased use of biomass for energy production and consequences of utilisation of the individual resources.
Report made as part of the EDISON project (Electric vehicles in a Distributed and Integrated market using Sustainable energy and Open Networks)
- state of the art in intelligence and dynamics in the various parts of the electricity system. Selected Danish and international initiatives.
Energy Perspectives for the Kaliningrad Region as an Integrated Part of the Baltic Sea Region (English version)
Report in Danish made for Copehagen Municipality.
Report made for Norddjurs and Syddjurs Municipalities
Prepared for Det Økologiske Råd (now Rådet for Grøn Omstilling).
Evaluation of energy efficiency obligation
Report made for the system operator, NBSO, in the Eastern Canadian province New Brunswick.
Report made together with the DTU Risø for the Danish Energy Agency
Final report in Danish. Contains English summary
Report from phase1, WP4, in the EcoGrid project.
- possibilities for optimising the fight against energy poverty through energy efficiency, electricity tariffs and general activities. The electricity tariff system, consumption and purchasing patterns and energy efficiency in low-income households in Cape Town
Paper by Edward James-Smith & Mikael Togeby for the conference "Domestic Use of Energy", Cape Town, 18-20 March 2007
- technical and economic consequences of congestion management in the Nordic electricity market and the most important alternatives to the existing scheme.
- two possible ways to reorganise the energy systems and transport systems in the EU to reduce CO2 emissions and oil consumption by 50 per cent by 2030.
The report presents a number of analyses with focus on the economic advantages and disadvantages of electricity trade. The report was made by COWI and Ea Energy Analyses for Nordisk Ministerråds Elmarkedsgruppe
Report prepared for the Danish Energy Agency
Energy efficiency & CO2 reduction
PSI Workshop at COP 15
Copenhagen December 14 2009
- demand response in the electricity market, using Denmark and the Nord Pool market as a case study.
- assessment of a Monte Carlo approach for determining the value of demand response in the Nordic power market.
- impacts of different types of climate changes compared to other possible developments for the Nordic energy system.
Different household technologies and their use as frequency-controlled reserve.
Find information about one of our projects in Türkiye here.