Ea has investigated the options for pyrolysis on Samsø

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In the recently published report “Pyrolyse på Samsø” (Pyrolysis on Samsø), Ea Energy Analyses has carried out an investigation of the life cycle perspective and the economy of a potential pyrolysis plant on the Danish island of Samsø.

Samsø Municipality works to handle waste collected in the municipality, along with residue from water treatment plants, in the most environmentally friendly way, preferably locally on the island. Today a lot is transported to the mainland for further treatment, so the municipality wanted an assessment of the possibilities of establishing a pyrolysis plant as an alternative.

In the analysis three different options for pyrolysis plants were looked into and compared to a reference. The result of the analysis is that the economy is challenging, but is most favourable for a small plant based on municipal waste. A larger plant, where straw is put into the mix, is assessed to be unrealistic, if the straw has to be bought at market prices.

Read more in the report, which can be downloaded here (alas, in Danish, but with an English summary).