Pakistan long-term energy planning

Balmorel: Power system model | January 2023 - December 2025

Ea Energy Analyses is continuing the work to strengthen capacity within the Pakistani energy authorities for long-term energy planning with variable renewable energy (VRE). Together with Energinet and the Danish Energy Agency, Ea provides support to accelerate implementation and integration of VRE to staff at NEPRA, AEDB, NTDC, NPCC and CPPA.

Pakistan aims for an overall 50% reduction of their projected emissions by 2030, which requires an extensive growth of renewable energy infrastructure. The Danish Energy Transition Initiative (DETI) assists in cost-efficient implementation of this target by using Danish tools, models, and approaches for efficient decision making to accelerate green transition.

Ea has carried out training sessions on using the Balmorel model, in order to increase the technical capacities of Pakistani energy authorities to operate the model, with focus on model development, scenario analyses and specifically needed analyses.

Another goal is to develop the model to support policy targets up to 2050. The model will then be able to give tangible input to Pakistan’s long-term energy planning and show feasible ways to reach the country’s goals.