Coordinated modelling and planning of net-zero carbon infrastructure

Balmorel: Power system model | March 2022 - November 2023

China aims to peak their carbon emissions by 2030, and to reach carbon neutrality by 2060. To achieve this, a transformation of energy infrastructure, planning and regulation is necessary, resulting in future energy infrastructure development and operations with more coordination between energy carriers and sectors. To ensure this sector-coupling is successful, modelling analyses are essential.

This activity aimed to strengthen the mutual understanding between China and the EU of the future needs for more coordinated approaches towards energy infrastructure investment and operational planning and regulation, as seen through the lens of coordinated energy systems modelling and scenarios.  

In Europe, the importance of utilising integrated scenarios interlinking the power and gas sector has been realised, with both ENTSO-E and ENTSOG considering scenario work to be crucial to deliver the best assessment of the infrastructure. In a previous project, ENTSO-E methodology was introduced and used for the modelling of the Chinese power grid and market. The aim of this project was to extend this work for the modelling of an integrated energy system with focus on power system and sector coupling with heat, hydrogen and PtX (green fuels) in China.