Calculations for report on a sustainable energy system

Balmorel: Power system model | December 2023 - September 2024

The independent environmental organisation Green Transition Denmark has published a report (in Danish) on energy within the planetary boundaries titled “Ren energi – indenfor planetære grænser 2040”. The scenarios in the report are based on calculations carried out by Ea Energy Analyses, which can be found in the background report ”Et bæredygtigt energisystem frem mod 2040” (alas, also in Danish). The investigation maps energy usage and greenhouse gas emissions in all sectors of society and sets up a scenario for a green transition of Denmark in 2040. Paths for a thorough electrification of heat production, transport, and industry based on solar and wind energy are shown, while the biomass usage is reduced significantly at the same time.

The calculations were carried out by using the Balmorel model with detailed modelling of electricity, district heating, and hydrogen production, along with a scenario model with with coverage of the other sectors of society.

Read more and find the report from Green Transition Denmark on their website. The background report can be downloaded on this page.

The project ran from December 2023 to September 2024.