District heating in Odense

Balmorel: Power system model | September 2014 - April 2015

The district heating system in Odense is the third largest in Denmark and is today supplied with heat from different sources. Fynsværket CHP delivers district heating with one large coal fired unit, one smaller biomass fired unit and three municipality solid waste units. At Dalum CHP the source is biomass.

The objective of the project was to analyse the future supply situation when the coal-fired unit is decommissioned and the national target of 100 % RE in the district heating sector shall be reached.

The energy model Balmorel was used to analyse the operation of the units with the purpose of finding the private economical best. The operation has been analysed when continuing on coal, converting to biomass and building of a new biomass fired CHP.

The project resulted in a list of recommendations and a timeline for future development of the system.