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Ea Energy Analyses
Gammeltorv 8, 6th floor
1457 Copenhagen K

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CVR: 28 98 58 27

Nykredit Bank
Reg. no.: 5470
Account no.: 0002122638
IBAN no.: DK5054700002122638

Ea is just a 10 minute walk from Nørreport station. There is cycle parking across the street and parking spaces near the church Vor Frue Kirke.


Anders Kofoed-Wiuff

Partner, MSc

Read more about Anders

+45 60 39 17 03

Hans Henrik Lindboe

Partner, MSc Engineering

Read more about Hans

+45 60 39 17 04

Jesper Troelsgaard Werling

Partner, MSc Engineering

Read more about Jesper

+45 60 39 17 05

Lars Møllenbach Bregnbæk

Partner, MSc & MBA

Read more about Lars

+45 60 39 17 06


Aastha Bhattarai

Consultant, MEng

Read more about Aastha

+45 31 41 29 72

Anant Atul Visaria

Consultant, MSc Engineering

Read more about Anant

+45 91 65 36 33

Anne Sofie Skak-Iversen

Consultant, MSc Engineering

Read more about Anne

+45 51 94 83 86

Christian Bang

Senior Consultant, MSc

Read more about Christian

+45 60 39 17 17

Clara Christine Sångren

Consultant, MSc Engineering

Read more about Clara

+45 20 30 00 96

Dimitrios Eleftheriou

Consultant, MSc., MSc Engineering

Read more about Dimitrios

+45 52 81 80 59

Emil Dokkedal Johnsen

Consulant, MSc Engineering

Read more about Emil

+45 51 35 42 40

Francesco Gaballo

Consultant, MSc Engineering

Read more about Francesco

+45 52 61 98 72

Helena Uhde

Iben Moll Rasmussen

Senior Consultant, MSc

Read more about Iben

+45 31 51 01 26

Ilaria Sorrenti

Consultant, PhD

Read more about Ilaria

+45 31 37 46 66

Jens Christian Rørbæk Kruse

Consultant, MSc Engineering

Read more about Jens

+45 31 41 64 06

János Hethey

Senior Consultant, MSc Engineering

Read more about János

+45 60 39 17 12

Karla Brunak

Consultant, MSc Engineering

Read more about Karla

+45 31 16 41 78

Katja B. Jensen

Senior Consultant, MSc Engineering

Read more about Katja

+45 60 39 17 18

Knud Johansen

Senior Consultant, MSc Engineering

Read more about Knud

+45 23 33 88 39

Kristina Bozhkova

Consultant, MSc

Read more about Kristina

+45 50 39 75 91

Lars Pauli Bornak

Senior Consultant, MSc Engineering

Read more about Lars

+45 60 39 17 11

Luis Boscán

Senior Consultant, PhD

Read more about Luis

+45 60 13 16 51

Max Walter Müller

Michael Clemens Bloch

Consultant, MSc Engineering

Read more about Michael

+45 61 33 79 87

Morten Tony Hansen

Senior Consultant, MSc Engineering

Read more about Morten

+45 31 39 39 92

Nina Dupont

Senior Consultant, MSc Engineering

Read more about Nina

+45 31 55 50 53

Peter Børre Eriksen

Senior Consultant, MSc Engineering

Read more about Peter

+45 23 33 85 23

Phil Swisher

Consultant, MSc Engineering

Read more about Phil

+45 27 84 68 89

Rikke Næraa

Senior Consultant, MSc Engineering

Read more about Rikke

+45 31 20 15 75

Roberta Orlando

Consultant, PhD

Read more about Roberta

+45 31 12 42 79

Rune Rysbjerg Møller

Consultant, BEng in Mechanical Engineering

Read more about Rune

+45 53 35 50 88

Sara Shapiro-Bengtsen

Consultant, PhD

Read more about Sara

+45 29 89 85 22

Victor Duus Svensson

Consultant, MSc Engineering

Read more about Victor

+45 51 29 75 54


Christine Holm Pedersen

HR administrator

Read more about Christine

+45 31 13 65 37

Daniel Macchini Schrøder

IT Manager

Read more about Daniel

+45 23 92 79 72

Ida Lykke Thomsen

Office Assistant

Read more about Ida

+45 60 39 17 10

Irene Lund

Consultant, MA

Read more about Irene

+45 30 63 81 44

Jeannett Beyer


Read more about Jeannett

+45 60 39 17 16

Ole Olesen

Consultant, MSc Engineering

Read more about Ole

Sofie Søndermann


Andreas Buus Tange

Student Assistant, BSc

Read more about Andreas

Andreas Krister Bannow

Emil Gjerris

Student Assistant, BSc

Read more about Emil

Jonathan Lybecker Gadfelt

Student Assistant, BSc

Read more about Jonathan

Matilde Næraa Karlsson

Student Assistant, BSc

Read more about Matilde

Mikkel Lysholdt Petersen

Student Assistant, BSc

Read more about Mikkel

Pathik Bindal

Student Assistant, BSc

Read more about Pathik